Free Time

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"So... what should we do first?" Anne asked.

"Hm. I was thinking just a walk or something sweet." Marcy smiled at her.

"We can do that." Anne smiled back.

Marcy stepped off the bed, walking up the stairs and opening the basement.

Anne slipped on her shoes and followed her out the door.

"Oh! Hey, you two!" Hoyne waved. "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah." Anne grabbed Marcy's hand.
The group noticed this, but Sprig and Polly were just confused.

They decided not to question it yet.

Anne and Marcy walked out of the house.

"They're dating," Jill, Sasha, and Hop Pop said at the same time, noticing Sprig and Polly's confused looks.

After they had left, they leaned their arms together.

They walked down the path down to the town centre as Marcy layed her head on Anne's shoulder.

Anne blushed and let her head fall onto Marcy's, nuzzling the crook of her neck.

Marcy's heart fluttered, and the pair led themselves to a flower patch.

"Oh hey! I forgot this was here." Anne remarked. "I've only seen it a few times."

They went to the top of a small hill covered in flowers and stopped.

Marcy took her head off Anne's shoulder, causing her head to lift up too.

Anne was a little disappointed, but the feeling came back once Marcy turned to her and took her other hand.

"I know this is dumb, but I really want to kiss you right now." Marcy stuttered.

Anne blushed and locked eyes with her.

"Feel free."

Marcy stepped closer and leaned in with closed eyes.

Anne felt Marcy's hand on her cheek, and met her halfway.

Both girls felt butterflies flying around in their stomachs as Marcy leaned closer, if that was even possible at this point, and melted into Anne.

Anne couldn't hold back her huge smile any longer, and feeling Anne's smile against her lips just added more butterflies.

Soon enough, Anne continued kissing back.

Marcy could have sworn she felt her hair tinting green again.

They then separated, both just as flustered as the other.

"I love you." Anne said, hand still lingering on Marcy's face.

Marcy smiled and squeezed the hand she was holding. "Love you too." She responded, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Should we... get something to eat?" Anne suggested.

Marcy nodded. "That sounds good.

They turned back to the town square, walking into Stumpy's.

They sat down at a bench, looking around the Thai- themed restaurant for Stumpy.

He appeared from behind the bench and handed them a menu.

Anne took the menu as he walked away to serve another customer.

Marcy put her hand on top of Anne's, making her girlfriend blush.

Their eyes browsed the menu, looking for something appealing to eat together.

"Pad Thai?" Marcy asked.

"Sure!" Marcy lifted her free fist up and down.

Stumpy came back to them."Pad Thai?" He asked with a clipboard and 'pen hand.'

Anne nodded as Stumpy eyes their giving hands, but neither flinched.

"Together?" Stumpy raised a brow.

Anne looked at Marcy, silently asking if she could tell him.

Marcy nodded.


"Congratulations! I'll grab your food." Stumpy walked away.

"You don't need to ask me to tell people, you know." Marcy comforted her.

"What if they don't appr-"

"We don't care if they don't approve of us! We approve of ourselves, and I love you, Anne! Don't forget that."

"Thank you." Anne gave her a bear hug.

Marcy smiled and patted her back affectionately.

"I love you too."


"That was nice." Marcy smiled.

"Yeah, it really was." Anne replied, waking alongside Marcy, the sun almost set behind them.

"Thanks for comforting me back there."

"It's alright! I've always got your back." Marcy said as they finally arrived back at the house.

They opened the door to see Jill, Hoyne, Sasha and the Plantars eating down at the couch.

"Want some?" Polly asked, showing them the mush in the bowl.

"We ate before we came here, but thanks for the offer!" Marcy responded, stepping closer to Anne's room.

Anne followed, stopping the door from closing to let herself in.

They took off their shoes and leaned them against the stairs.

Marcy flopped onto Anne's bed, getting a little bit of deja vu, but brushed it off.

Anne grabbed both of the girls' journals and pens and put Marcy's in front of her.

Anne layed next to her and both began to write.

(A/N) Hi!

Just adding that Jill is super fun to write and will probably have their own chapter after the next one!

(Word count: 770)

THE CORE- A MARCANNE FICOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora