Plan into Action

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Sasha and Polly had snuck into the throne room, raising their weapons while Darcy was distracted with Anne.

"Make sure you don't fall off," Sasha whispered, slightly echoing in the vase next to them, but Darcy didn't do anything, so they probably didn't hear it.

"You got this." Polly responded, eyeing the cord again as Sasha approached it.


The photo glowed even lighter, which must have meant something.

Anne was glowing more than the others.

Marcy smiled.

She still wasn't done fighting back though.

Marcy kicked the black nothingness around her, though the result was just dust.

Dust? how did anything get in here?

She put a hand below her.

There was an actual floor. 

She stood up, and now she could see outside the biggest eye of The Core.

Marcy climbed up onto the small space between the nothingness and the eye.

She saw Anne glowing even lighter and traced over her. She was alright.

But so far, Marcy wasn't.

Suddenly, the 'windowsill' dropped down.

So did the floor.

Marcy was dropped down with it.

For a split second, all she could see was Core eyes.

Afterwards, she felt someone take off a helmet putting weight on her head.

A helmet? 

She was back in her body now, but not for long.

She felt the Core taking up her head again, and just like that, she was back to the Core eyes.


"MARCY!" she heard a familiar voice.

she could hear Anne and the footsteps of Sasha.

"ANNE? SASHA?" she yelled.

"IT'S ME!" she heard.

"Who's me?" Marcy questioned.


"Oh!! hi!" her voice unconsciously got a higher pitch.



Sasha and Polly raised their weapons and cut the cord.

The flail and sword cut different parts of the cord in half.

The core was long gone.

"MARCY? YOU IN THERE?" Sasha yelled.

Marcy was dropped into her body again.

"Nope. I'm out here now." She responded.

"Run, Sash, Andrias could come for you as soon as he gets up.

Sasha nodded and raced out of the throne room, Polly on her shoulder.

The door locked behind them.


Anne hugged Marcy as tight as she could, tears streaming down her face. "You're finally back!"

Marcy wrapped her arms around Anne. "All thanks to you and Sash."

About a minute of comfortable silence passed before Anne pulled away and got up and started smashing the helmet with her foot.

"Just in case." She smiled. 

Marcy joined in, picking out the gem from the middle of her chest plate and started stabbing the cord.

"It's gone now." Marcy said, grinning.

Sure, she had been- traumatized, to put it lightly, but with Anne there, it felt much better.

They both walked away from the destroyed Core helmet and Marcy sat in the middle of the room.

Anne remembered the plan.

Comfort Marcy.

"Are you alright?" Anne said, sitting down in front of her.

Marcy had some time to think here.

Was she alright? she was stuck inside 'Darcy' for weeks.

But with Anne here, she felt alright.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Marcy replied.

"You can be honest with me, Mars." she gave her a skeptical look.

"Okay, you're right. I am a little traumatized, but it feels better with you here.

Anne nodded and scooted closer.

"What about you? You risked so much to come here."

"I'm okay! You really expected me to just let this happen?" Anne laced her fingers with Marcy's.

"And before you ask, I forgive you for sending us to Amphibia. You really did help me discover a lot about myself."

Marcy's eyes teared up. "Wow, the Core screwed me up bad. They said that you and Sasha wouldn't forgive me."

"Well, The Core was wrong." Anne cupped Marcy's cheek with her free hand.

Marcy brought her closer and hugged her, burrowing her head into Anne's hair, letting the tears run down her face.

She stopped crying soon after, basking in Anne's warmth.

"We should probably leave now, Andrias will kill us if he sees us." Marcy said, pulling away.

Anne was debating two things in her mind now.

Yeah, that kill was probably literal.

"Actually, I need to do something first." Anne decided.

"Do it quick! Andie will chase us dow-" 

"That's your nickname for Andrias? Anne joked.

"Oh- uh- yeah?" Marcy confessed.

They heard a big stomp from behind the door.

"Run." Anne mouthed, and Marcy could have sworn her hair glowed blue again.

"Not with you here!" she whispered.

"He's coming. RUN." Anne told her.

Marcy's head spun. Could she just leave Anne alone?

"Alright. Good luck.

(A/N) There's another chapter!

New one will probably come out soon, but for now, cya!

(Word count: 725)

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