Chapter 1- The Birth of a Sister and the Death of two Legends

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Chapter 1 The Birth of a Sister and the Death of two Legends

August 2nd a night where everyone still peacefully slept, all but the Yellow Flash and his wife. Why? Well, Kushina Uzumaki was giving birth to their first baby. The pain was unbearable but she knew giving up was not an option. For if she did her baby would die. Minato Namikaze, the father and husband of Kushina, was letting his wife squeeze his hand. He thought her hits were hard but the grip she had on his hand let him know how wrong he truly was. A screamed echoed in the walls of her hospital room and probably outside waking up any of the patients around her room. Kushina gave a final push and the cry of a baby filled the silence that settled throughout the room. Then the crying stopped and everyone moved into action forgetting the parents of the infant.

"Minato, what's happening?" Kushina asked worried about her baby. A nurse and the doctor rushed out with the baby in hand trying to get her to breathe again.

"I'll go find out Kushina, you go ahead and rest, I'll be back with the baby." Minato said. Kushina nodded as the other nurses came around her and cleaned her up moving her from the bed she was recently on. Minato walked around the pediatric intensive care unit watching as they worked on clearing his baby's lungs. After a couple more minutes they wrapped the baby in a light purple blanket knowing that Kushina had provided the blanket for a reason. A nurse stepped out and handed Minato the small whimpering bundle.

"Her lungs were clotted with fluid but she's out of danger now. She is a healthy baby, Namikaze-sama." The young nurse said.

"Thank you. I'll take her to Kushina and we'll decide on her name together." Minato told the nurse. The nurse nodded and Minato walked back to his wife with the now silent bundle in hand. As he walked into the room, he found Kushina sitting up looking out the window; the morning sun was starting to rise slowly over the slumbering village. Kushina looked back and her eyes brightened when she caught sight of the bundle in Minato's arms.

"How is the baby dattebane?" Kushina asked, no attention was paid to the colored blanket, the only thing she wanted to know about was the health of her child.

"She's alright now." Minato answered shifting his hold on the baby.

"Well hand her over dattebane." Kushina said wanting to see her baby. As Minato handed the baby over they saw her open her eyes, she looked at Kushina with light blue almost purple eyes. The baby cooed and reached out to touch her mother's hair. After she grabbed hold of it she tugged on it once and let go giggling. The baby glanced at Minato and stared at him tilting her head to the right a bit before reaching out to him. Minato chuckled at his daughter and carefully took her from her mother's arms.

"What shall we name her?" Minato asked Kushina. Kushina watched as her daughter grabbed onto her husband's cloak and how she would reach up trying to tug his blonde hair.

"What about Minako Namikaze-Uzumaki?" Kushina inquired.

Minato looked down at his daughter after she squealed and started giggling, "Do you like that Minako?" He asked only to receive another squeal and giggle. Minako reached up again and ran her fingers down his face. She then yawned and Kushina squealed.

"Kawaii! Hand her over, I want to see her hair color dattebane." Kushina demanded. She removed the blanket from her head and saw her daughter had her same hair color, red.

"Minako has your hair color. Now I know for a fact I will have some punks to beat if they come near her with any intention to date her." Minato silently remarked.

"We will have to let her go soon, right?" Kushina asked.

"Yes, nineteen or twenty-five years from now!" Minato exclaimed. Kushina started to chuckle.

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