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"Hey Mr. Tanner" smiling as he lets me and the kids inside, spending breakfast with them since today is the last day in this house before it's sold "How's your morning? Boys"

"Good morning" my twin sons Vaughn and Adrian greet Danny Tanner, Violet is in her stroller looking around with her as she bites on her teething ring.

"Alright" he smiles "and you know you can call me Danny—where's Melody?"

"She had a sleep over last night" nodding my head "yeah, she wanted a sleepover and with Violet who started to teeth"

"I remember those days" he nods his head smiling at the memories "I'm glad I don't have to go through that anymore, but time does fly with the enjoy them while you can. Come on" he holds his arm out and we go into the kitchen where I see everyone. Jesse, Becky, Joey, DJ, Stephenie—who is back from London—and Kimmy. Along with DJ's kids Jackson and Max and the twins Alex and Nicky.

"Hey guys" smiling to them

"Oh!" Becky comes over seeing Violet "there's Violet, there she is" talking like a baby to my baby.

"Come on, hon" Jesse pulls Becky away "morning RJ, how's it going?"

"Tired, Violet started to teeth" sitting down in a chair, my boys side on my left between myself and Nicky "what about you guys?"

"I've got to get going" DJ tells me "a dog swallowed a bride and grooms wedding ring" DJ is a veterinarian while Stephanie is a DJ and Kimmy is an event planner, Danny and Becky host a show, Jesse doesn't do anything last I checked, Joey is down at Las Vegas as a comedian, and Nicky and Alex are still in college and yeah. That's everyone.

"I can't believe your selling this house" I say to Danny "after all these years"

"I know" Danny agrees smiling "so many memories, soon will be gone" I just wish my memories were like that.

"I love you" he kisses me for the first time since we've gone out. Being such a gentleman, he has waited until we both knew that we loved one another to say 'I love you'

Blinking out of my memory when my phone goes off, I see that it's my baby sitter "What's wrong?" Becky asks

"My baby sitter is sick" I tell them "I have no one to watch the kids"

"We can watch them!" Becky exclaim excitedly "Oh! Let us!"

"Are you sure?" I ask "Violet is teething and"

"Oh!" She comes over and takes Violet from where she was in the stroller "Come to Aunt Becky" okay, so my kids are with them. Good to know.

~Time Skip~

"This cake" Danny says "is amazing, I knew you'd one day become an excellent baker" yeah, I own my own bakery that is a success. I call it the Witches Brew, there I sell baked goods along with coffee.

"Thanks Danny" he nods his head. It's the going away party and everyone is having fun. I'm going to miss this place, growing up in this house with this family was such an amazing thing.

After my birth father cheated on my mom it took time before I let any adult man near my heart that was interested with mom. We met the Tanners and life changed, for the better. I got three dads—not one, not two but three amazing dads. I got a bunch of sisters and...even though mom never married into the family, neither did I—we were family and I'm sad to see this go. But all great things must come to an end.

"I" DJ comes over "don't know how you don't look a day over nineteen" she does, they all do. Only those I trust that can keep secrets can know mine. But also they took an elixir that prevents them from saying anything about supernaturals to humans "but you look amazing in that dress"

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