Reunited once more

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He handed me the letter…it was from Hogwarts.

“It was like yours, but why is his so late Alex, you got yours at 11?” I was just as confused as he was. “I’m not sure Dumbledore may explain. Then again he is a mysterious man. Since he got it, I will go talk to him and help him buy what he needs and I will explain to him why I leave for school.” my dad nodded still in a panicked state.

Nothing too bad has happened for a while so since Pete will be going with me everyone will be fine. I gave Buck a smile and told him to just put my food in my room when it was done, then said thank you and walked to Pete's room. I walked down the hallway and actually knocked on his door this time ha. He yelled it’s open and I walked in and went to sit on his chair near his desk.

“Hey Pete, you got a letter.” he looked up from the lego model he was building. He smiled brightly before going to grab it from me.

“Oh, can I have it, it’s probably from Ned he doesn't have his phone until school starts.” I looked down at the letter. I smiled awkwardly before giving him the letter while telling him it was from my school.

He looked up confused. “Pete, has anyone ever told you what school I go to and what I learn about?” He paused while opening the letter and shook his head still looking confused. I didn't expect him to know since no one else quit did either.

“Well Pete I go to a school called Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, I am taught things that have to do with magic. It’s in Scotland and you will have a dorm and will take a train that takes you there. Which is why I always leave and stay at my school.” he was taking everything I said in. Hanging by every word being spoken to him. 

He has seen so many weird things that this may be a shock but not unbelievable. He got up, I watched him go to his closet “What do I need to pack then?” I smiled. I explained that I would have dad have a private jet take us to get what he needs in an hour or two so to get a bag with clothes for sleeping and for weekends. I told him to pack whatever else he may need, but maybe not his super suit. I never pack mine as well as never use my powers there. I went to grab dad and tell him we needed to go get Pete’s supplies and we would need to leave tonight if he expects to be prepared.

Within an hour and a half dad had a private jet waiting for me and Pete on the roof. I grabbed my bags and had FRIDAY go through my list one last time. I told Pete to say goodbye to everyone because we were going to my friend's place after we were done getting supplies. Coming back would waste our time and possibly make us late.  I had owled Molly and she got back extremely fast. I assume she used magic to get it to me so fast.

She told me I could always come visit and she would make sure we all got to the platform on time. She knew how paranoid I was about being late. Pete grabbed the bags he packed and said goodbye to everyone. I lifted my bags and went to say goodbye to everyone as well.

I went and gave everyone hugs I got to Nat and she pushed me away from her and looked me in the eyes. “I will remember to write this year I promise, your dad also told me something about this year you might not know about yet and if you need help then tell me, I love you kiddo.” I smiled and gave her another hug. I was a little confused on what she was talking about, but I would figure it out later. I got all of my stuff to the roof and got in the jet ready to go back home.

Happy was there waiting for us. He waved to me before going back to reading the magazine in his hand. He was going to make sure we got there safely. I went to sit next to Pete. “So what is it like at Hogwarts?” I smiled and knew even before I explained to him what it was like that he would like it.

“It’s amazing, it’s fun and educational, you will learn so much. Just renege to keep a very open mind. Also don’t worry about not making friends, I just know they’ll like you just as much as I like you!” he smiled then stopped smiling for a second.

I looked at him confused. “I didn’t think you liked me that much. We don't talk too much unless we are left behind when the others go on a mission. Even then we don't really talk.”  I began to feel a little guilty, I tend to only spend time with Buck, Loki, and Nat a lot of the time.

“I’m sorry Pete, I really do like you. A lot actually, so I am sorry I made you feel like I don’t.”

He began to blush a little bit and he went back to smiling. “So you like me a lot huh?” I playfully slapped him on the arm

“Oh shush, I like you as a friend weirdo!”. We both laughed and the rest of our flight we just joked around and he asked me more questions about Hogwarts and what it’s like.

Me and Pete got everything that he needed and before I knew it I was heading to the burrow with Pete at about 9. I knocked on the door and Mr.Weasley answered “Molly told me you were coming, everyone is still awake. Harry and Hermione are here as well. Come in and give me a hug. I missed you sweet girl! You have got to tell me more from the muggle world!” I smiled and walked in and put my bags near the door, I then gave him a hug.

“Alex my dear it’s so nice to see you, and who might this be?” Molly walked into the entrance.

I gave her a hug quickly and said hello. “His name is Peter Parker. For some reason Dumbledore sent him a letter late, so he is with me. We live together so he came with me.”  Molly gave me a weird look when I told her that we live together.

“Oh no not like that Molly, he lives with me and my dad, he is an intern for my fathers business.” She nodded her head and then called down everyone to come say hi.

Peter was standing next to me still and was looking at everything he looked at the stairs once Hermione, Ron, and Harry came down with others following close behind. “Alex!” Hermione began to sprint down the stairs and captured me in a huge hug. Ron and Harry came behind her and gave me a hug as well then Fred and George came tumbling down the stairs racing one another. I thought they were going to trample eachother.

When they got down Fred hugged me, picking me up off of the ground. “I missed you Freddy!” Fred spun me around a few times before putting me down and allowing Georgey to hug me.

Then someone I didn’t expect came down, Charlie walked down the stairs. “Oh my Merlin, what are YOU doing here?” Charlie and I have a great friendship. We get very sarcastic sometimes though. When Charlie talked to me Pete took it as aggressive and he stepped in front of me immediately. That is when everyone noticed Pete.

I touched his shoulder and he turned his face so his ear was closer to me so he could hear me. “We are sarcastic with each other and everyone is staring at you now. So maybe back away just a little bit ok? They are just as protective of me as you are” he became aware that everyone was looking at us and nodded his head while stepping away.

“Sorry you guys, he's a little protective. Kind of dad’s orders he is too.” everyone understood slightly. Charlie hugged me and then Molly told everyone to head up to bed. She told me and Peter that she set up a place for us in the living room, but first she made us some food. I thanked her and me and Pete made our way to the kitchen and ate.

After we ate we made our way to the living room. Molly had set up blankets and pillows up for us on the couch and ground. Pete told me he would take the ground. I said thank you and we laid down. In the middle of the night I woke up to someone shoving me. I grabbed whosever hands that were shoving me and opened my eyes. It was Pete, “Sorry Pete what’s wrong?” he looked kind of scared.

“I heard something upstairs, but it was like running and jumping and the people from before are all asleep, I checked.” He looked a little spooked and I didn't want to tell him that they actually do have a ghost in the attic.

I put my stuff on the ground right next to him and I laid down. He laid down once I was comfortable and said thank you. I felt a hand intertwin with mine I looked to Pete who was laying facing me but with his eyes closed. I Put my arm under my head and left my other hand intertwined with Petes I knew he was a little bit scared so I just let it be. “Thank you Alex” I’m pretty sure he fell asleep almost right after saying that. I turned around and went to bed as well.

Published:Sat, Mar 11th

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