She points to her sign.

Eda: Luz! .Takes the sign down.

Luz: Did I spell something wrong? Or did I spell something right?

Brook: um Luz You may be forgetting something, that Eda is sorta (Holds up eda wanted poster) on the run Remember? Every guard in town is trying to get her.

Luz: Well, eda I don't see anyone right now. Maybe you're just being paranoid. You're a powerful witch. Why hide when you can "poof" all your problems away with magic?

Brook: Luz I'm pretty sure those only happens in the movies and there are like tons of different things Eda has going on for her.

King: What does luz know about problems, anyway? All she has is dumb teen drama! She doesn't understand how hard some of us have it.

Eda: You're pampered all day like a dang baby. How hard is that life?

King: Well, I don't know if you realized, but I'm not a baby!

Brook: Then why are you screaming like one?

King: My life is a living nightmare!

Brook: yohoho who doesn't have a worst nightmare. Pets his head.

Eda: Well, there's only one thing to do when friends can't see eye-to-eye.

Luz: Hug each other till we pass out?. Hugs King.

King: Fight to the death!

Brook: have some tea and talk to each other.

Eda: Pfft, no. Body swap!

Brook: wait wh-

Eda: I love a good body swap. It's like demonic possession with the ones you love.

Brook: oh hey I knew someone who could do that yeah he hated bread for some reason I don't know why.

Luz: We're doing that? That's possible? (Grabs a VHS box)This is just like my favorite early 2000s movie! Freaky Friday . But maybe we should think about this for a second.

Eda: Body swap!

Eda spins her staff above their heads, a curtain of yellow light and smoke falling over them.

Luz: (In Eda's body) Did it work? I need a mirror. (Runs into the mirror with a grunt, slides down)Found one. Oh, my gosh. It worked! I'm so old... (Grabs her ears)and pointy!

Brook: if you have Eda body than whose body im I in.he looked into the mirror and saw that he was in kings body.

Brook: yohohoh look at me I'm so small and fluffy.

King: wait then that means . He looked down at his hands and saw he had brooks body. Ah man why me.

Luz: Wait, so that means...

Eda clears her throat. Luz brook and King look back at the table, where the last of the smoke dissipates.

Eda: how do I look. She was now in Luz body posing in it.

King: I've got some... very confusing emotions right now or it's probably because I'm a skeleton.

Eda: All right, here's the deal. Whoever can prove their new body has the easiest life gets out of house cleaning duty. And you know what that means.

Cut to Hooty giggling maniacally as he plays in the mud. Cut back to the four of them shuddering.

King: Won't be me. Life as a skeleton is a tyrants dream I think but By the end of the day, I'll be ruling over your feeble demographic.

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