School was a five minute walk of wavy grass and pretty flowers. I see other kids weaving through the trees. Different paths to different homes.

My school was lined by palm trees. Many kids in shorts, dresses, and skirts hung out in front of the massive courtyard of the school. I walked past them all and went inside.

The cool air of the school welcomed me. I put on my Sony's and began to explore my new school. Just because I'm new doesn't mean I need to walk around lost.

The short, tropical melody played throughout the school marked the start of my first class. I watched students jog to class already late on the first day.

When I got to the study hall, synonymous with the lunch room, a man who is most likely a gym teacher gave the thirty other kids and me the option to sit inside the lunchroom, or go out to the courtyard.

Without hesitation, I chose outside.I found a big tree, with thick green grass and tucked myself beneath it. I sat and people watched. A favorite pastime of mine.

One girl had a ukulele and was playing some happy tunes for her friends. Another kid was laid out on the lawn asleep. His backpack laid open, I could see his airpods from yards away but no one took them. Strange.

My next class was biology. Within a minute of class starting, I knew that I would not like my teacher. After she read the syllabus as if we couldn't read it ourselves, she assigned us a welcome back project where we have to examine bugs, and it will take two weeks to complete.

On top of that, the partner she assigned me was absent. It's the first day.

The class began to separate into groups and chatter filled the room. I rose out of my seat and went over to my teacher. She hadn't even realized her mistake.

"Ms. Hughes," I called. She looked up from her laptop. "My partner's not here," I say, dryly. "Oh, that's too bad. How about you join a group until Noah gets here?" Her smile looks a lot like a grimace.

I heave a sigh and look around the class, searching for the people who look either kind, or don't know their partner. All the groups seem to look happy and chatty. An asian girl catches my eye. She looks up from her partner and smiles at me.

Well, that's an invite as ever.

I walk towards her. Plastering a smile on my face, I held the attention of her and her lab partner who had been talking away.

"Do you mind if I work with you guys?" I ask. I feel so lame. My hair feels hot under my wrap. "Yes, of course," her partner perks up with a bright smile. He pats the table, and I sit opposite of the pair.

"So, are you new to the school?" He asks, shaking the cup of his iced drink. "Yep," I reply, not in the mood for small talk but when his smile falls a little I add, "Is it obvious?"

"It's not," he quickly reassures me, patting my hand. "I'm familiar with a lot of people here and I've never seen your face," he tells me.

There must be a bunch of caffeine in this guy's drink. I try not to frown at his cheerfulness.

"This is the first time you've been in a school?" The girl asks with wide eyes, she'd been listening intently but I guess she missed a few things. Is she for real? The boy side eyes her. "No, Ipo. She's been to school before. She's new to this school, sweetheart," He assures her.

I look at the two friends. The boy's floppy, blond hair. Ipo's intricate blue eyeshadow look with a pure white bob. They're an interesting pair.

The boy looks back at me, his eyes squinting. "Where's your partner?" Wish I knew. I shrug, "Not here." He frowns.

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