Of All the Arrows, Why This One |11|

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"I'm going to have to take it back

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"I'm going to have to take it back." The moment the words leave my lips, I start to feel nauseous. I'm not sure how in the world I will explain this away, but I can't keep this here.

"I told you, no one saw me take it!" Poppy drops down next to the Anteros Arrow. The bland iron-tipped arrow looks the same as the Cupid arrow as far as shape, and the barbed tip go. The differences lie in the less valuable metal and the knotty shaft, giving it a sinister look.

"Besides, it's better than you trying to make one, getting it wrong, and killing a woman.Pretty sure the Family Council would frown on that." Poppy huffs as she storms across the table and plops herself down at the end. She turns her back to me, more than likely, showing me her irritation that I haven't thanked her for her help.

"She has a point," Kiki adds as he eats breakfast. "What is this Family Council, anyway?'

I sigh and pick up the Anteros Arrow. It's heavier and clunkier feeling than the Cupid Arrow. "The Family Council is like America's president, Supreme Court, and city judges wrapped into one."

Kiki's eyes go wide as he slowly chews a bite. "That's a lot of hats. So are they in control of all your laws from beginning to end?"

"Basically," I tell him as I inspect the tip. The barbs are more root-like on this arrow. Like when it hits, it digs itself into the person's soul. "There isn't a lot of need for laws in the ethereal."

"The only time they have to hold court anymore is when Calli messes up." Poppy tells him.

Kiki reaches over as I set the arrow down and take my hand. "Maybe Poppy's right. Maybe you should use the arrow."

I watch his fingers lace into mine, and it feels like liquid sunshine running up my arm and wrapping around my heart. It's comforting and soothing.

"See!" Poppy whips around. Her gaze lands on Kiki's and my intertwined fingers. Her eyes narrow before they lift to us. "What's going on here."

"Nothing." I rip my hand from Kiki's.

The confused and hurt look he gives his empty hand before coiling it back to him stings a little. A sting deep in my chest tells me I shouldn't have dismissed the simple gesture so easily.

Poppy slowly gets up and strides across the table. Her gaze accusingly glances between the two of us. "It doesn't look like nothing."

Kiki clears his throat. "I'm going to run down to my car and grab my bags," he tells me before getting up and slipping his shoes on before heading out.

"It's illegal for an Amora to be in a relationship with a mortal," Poppy spouts off when the door closes.

"I know!" I snap, not needing a reminder. I don't regret last night; even though I know it's wrong, it feels right. "But so is steeling this arrow." I point to the lead tip.

"I did that for you! I'm scared, Calli!" Poppy throws her arms out. Her tiny thin bottom lip trembles as her eyes gloss over with tears. "I'm scared about what's going to happen if the council finds out."

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