Sight (Un) seen |1|

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"Poppy!" I hiss, glancing around the market

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"Poppy!" I hiss, glancing around the market. Stupid, bloody pixie. She's going to make me late.

"Why are you whispering?" The little pixie pops in front of my face almost out of nowhere. Her tiny green wings buzz like a hummingbird as she zips around my head. Her green hair and the small horned crown on her head are filled with pink candy floss, showing what the pesky little pixie has been up to. "No one can hear us," she reminds me.

"Or see us, thank the gods." I quickly snatch her out of the air and trap her between my palms.

I open a small gap to give her a proper scolding. The little green wings are folded behind her as she struggles to gain some composure. Her little golden freckles glisten in the light from the street lamps above, and her pointed nose is wrinkled in vexation. Her yellow eyes turn up at me with a scowl that puts about as much fear in my heart as a pissed-off baby bunny would.

"You're a mess and going to make me late," I huff as I carefully pick the candy out of her hair. "I told you no sweets."

Poppy bats my fingers away before cleaning herself up by picking the floss out of her hair and popping it into her mouth. "I was hungry."

I sigh and glance around the city park. Pedestrians flow about their natural lives as vendors call out to them, one of which is a snack vendor with a half-eaten bag of candy floss lying on the ground. "You're going to make us late, and I'm going to miss our last target."

We are still blocks away from the restaurant. I would use my deity powers to jump there if I were allowed to use them, but I'm still on probation from my last screw-up. My aim was slightly off, and I hit a tree that just so happened to be looking at a bird. Can the tree do anything about its unrequited love? No, but I'm sure it's happy to watch its bird happily sing in its branches.

Besides, how helpful is it to take powers away from a struggling cupid?

"I can help." Poppy darts out of my hands before I get the chance to clasp them back together. She soars just out of reach. "I'll fly ahead and make sure he stays there."

The little brat zips away, leaving only a trail of golden dust and a couple of tiny bright-green feathers in her wake.

"Poppy, no!" I call out, but the little shit is already out of sight and hearing distance.

What does that flying booger think she's going to do?

A sickening feeling sweeps over me as I walk down the city blocks. What if she appears to him in her human form? She could completely throw tonight's balance off!

The newfound fear propels my steps. Next time I leave for work, I'm locking Poppy in a birdcage. The helpmeet is more than a hindrance than an aid.

The temptation to use my wings and get there a little faster is too great. I'm not supposed to fly unless it's to get a good shot in, but this is an emergency. Surely the family council will understand.

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