Chapter 12

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*later that night*

Samantha: this match is scheduled for 1 fall.

Crowd: 1 FALL!!

Samantha: introducing first. accompanied to the ring by Carmella,  Enzo Amore and Big Cass!!

Samantha: And their opponents. First, Jack Frost.

Samantha: and his tag team partner. making his return, Jeff Hardy.

Jeff has a mic in his hand. He raises it.

Jeff: i see that you have a little blonde ringside, i think it's only fair we have someone ringside

The crowd goes nuts, Lita walks out. She hugs Jeff and shakes Jack's hand. The 3 of them walk to the ring.

*end of the match*

Jeff and Enzo are in the ring. Jeff has hit his brother's move, the side effect. He tags Jack in. He jumps in and goes to the corner.

Jeff hits Enzo with the twist of fate. Jack then hits him with 'The Icebreaker'(formally known as Doom's Day). Jack pins him.

Ref: 1...2...3! RING THE BELL

Samantha: here are you winners, Jeff Hardy and Jack Frost.

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