Chapter 9

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Jack is in his locker room, no lights on. The only source of light is from the door leading to the rest of the backstage area.

Someone walks in blocking the light. Jack looks up and sees Undertaker.

Undertaker: Jack, this isn't a good to do. sitting in a dark room so nobody can see you.

Jack: i don't care, i'm doing it anyway

Undertaker: Jack please

Jack: NO. all my life i've done what people wanted me to, now i'm doing what i want to do and  nobody is going to stop me!

Undertaker is a bit taken back by Jack shouting, he's only ever seen Jack shout on TV. Undertaker sighs.

Undertaker: i'm not going to make you leave this room, but please come out soon

Undertaker walks out. Jack sees loads of people looking at him. He puts on his entrance mask which was next to him.

He lets tears fall down his cheeks as nobody can see them. Jack has never liked crying infront of people, not even Undertaker and Michelle.

Ever since he was in the orphanage before meeting Undertaker he never showed his sadness.

He only ever showed his sad side to Gigi when they were together. He stands up and goes to his car. He puts his stuff on the back seats then gets in.

 He puts his stuff on the back seats then gets in

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(The car, shelby mustang GT 350)

He drives to the hotel when he sees that he's being followed. He takes a few decoy turns but they stay following him.

Instead of going to the hotel he starts driving to the next town, Pensacola Florida

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