Truth or dare

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After school, Shan showed up at Margos door with a bag with stuff she would usually bring. School had been incredibly awkward, Margo wouldn't speak to her and if she did it was barely. Shan had no idea what she even did wrong, Margo didn't know the guy whatsoever and Shan had knew him for at least a few months. She could tell if he was a bad person. It was ridiculous but Shan would never say that to her face. Margo toon a while to answer the door, but when she did she had a huge smile on her face which made Shan feel a lot more comfortable.
"Heyy Shannn," she giggled "come on in!"
Shan stepped in and went into her bathroom to get changed into her jammies. Once she went into Margos room, the smell of..something weird hit her. She didn't know what it was until she spotted two beer bottles and vodka sat on Margos drawers. Shans eyes widened as she grabbed a bottle and pointed at it. "You've been drinking?!" Margo nodded "Yeahh, duh. I've even got some left for you!" Shan sat down on her bed and shrugged. "I don't know if I want to." Margo sighed in response. "Really, Shan? It would make things sooo much funner. And my parents are going to be out for the weekend. Pleaseeee Shan? It'll make me so happy." Shan smiled a weak smile and nodded while Margo grinned. She handed her a small glass and filled it with vodka "Right. This is a shot of vodka. The whole thing with these is that you gotta down it in one go. it!" Shan quickly downed it and immediately pulled a face and began to cough. "It burns!-" Margo shoved a beer bottle in her mouth and Shan drank a good bit of it to try to tame the fire in her throat. Margo laughed as she watched her do so. This happened a few more times until Shan felt an affect. And it hit her hard. She almost blacked out and this being her first time drinking didn't help whatsoever. Margo rubbed her head for a bit to try and calm her down.

After a bit, they were both up and chatting like nothing had happened. Yet they were both still a bit..weird. Margo grabbed both of Shans shoulders "Oh my god!" "What? What?" Shan exclaimed. Margo got up and stretched "let's play truth or dare! It'll be fun! It's a classic sleepover game and we've already played it before sooo..." Shan agreed and sat up on her bed, legs crossed. "Right right..Shan. Truth or dare?" "Truth!" Suddenly, Margos tone completely changed.
"Do you really like that guy?" Shan stared, her heart started beating out of her chest. Well, it would've. "Well, yeah. He's really nice to me and I think I like him a little." Margo stared. "Right."
Shan shook her head "but, that doesn't matter. I'd rather hang out with you! We're best friends." Margo didn't answer.
"Ok, well, truth or dare Margo?"
"I dare you the stupidest thing you can think of!"
"Oh my..-"
Shan got onto her knees and shuffled to the end of the bed where Margo was standing, she placed her hands onto her shoulders to keep herself up and looked into her eyes.
"Why does it bother you so much?"
" doesn't."
Shan narrowed her eyes and gave her a pitiful look.
"Do you like him?"
"No! Oh my god!"
Margo moved back which made Shan lose grip of her shoulders and fall onto the ground. Margo just stared and leaned down to her.
"You deserved that, yknow."
"I'm sorry."
Shan tried to get herself up, her legs shaking relentlessly in the process. She took a minute but got up onto her bed and folded her arms.
"I just want to know why it bothers you so much."
Margo glared at her before she sat down beside her with a sigh.
"I'm sorry, I just...-" she turned to Shan "promise me you won't be mad when I tell you this?"
Shan nodded
"I really like you."
"I like you too, we're best friends."
"No," she sighed "I LIKE you, Shan. Like, how a man is attracted to a woman. I like you."
Shans face dropped, she backed up and stared at Margo as if she had just saw a ghost. Margo leaned toward her and placed her hand on Shane cheek, trying to kiss her. Shan pushed her away.
"No! No! No! Don't do this to me! This is a sin! It's not right! It's not right!" Shan began to go into hysterics while shaking uncontrollably.
"Shan! SHAN. Calm the fuck down!"
Margo grabbed her and wouldn't let go, no matter how many times she tried to push her away. She just held her close and did so until she'd calm down. They sat like that for thirty minutes.

Once Shan had calmed down, Margo tried to talk to her about what had happened.
"Who told you that it was a sin?"
"Who's everyone?"
"My family, my friends, everyone."
"Shan, I swear to you that it's not. Why do they say it's a sin?"
Shan shrugged.
Margo devoted an hour or two into explaining why it wasn't really a sin. Shan wasn't totally sold but could somewhat understand it. Noticing that Shan wouldn't go along with it then, she pulled out more beer and vodka. Signalling for Shan to take another few shots.
"I don't know if I want to."
Margo groaned. "Seriously, shan, again? It was fine last time so it'll be fine this time."
"But I didn't like it."
"So you'd rather keep your stupid mindset rather than make me happy for a bit? Do you not want me to be happy? Do you not love me, Shan?"
"I do love you, I do!-"
"Then fucking drink with me. Stop being such a pussy for once. You need to stop being such a bore."
Shan nodded and Margo practically shoved the shots down her throat but it was more than Shan thought she'd give her.
After having them all, shan was in a such a state. She could barely see or notice her surroundings. All she could do was hear Margos voice. Margo let her sober up a bit, but only until the point she could see what she needed to, even at that it was barely anything.
"Shan, do you love me? Do you want to make me happy?"
Shan nodded "I do, I do love you Margo. I wanna make you happy."
"Will you be my girlfriend? Do you believe that it's not a sin?"
Shan didn't fully believe it, an hour of explaining couldn't take away everything she's been through but she wanted to make her happy. She loved her.
"I will."
Margo smiled, kissing her cheek before getting closer to her. "Do you know what girlfriends do, Shan?"
"Do you want me to show you?"
Shan woke up, her head was banging and the sun coming through the semi-closed blinds didn't help at all. She looked around the room as the stench of alcohol filled her nostrils. There were knocked over beer bottles on the floor which left stains. sticky stains. Shan sat up and sighed. She had barely any memory of what had happened after Margo offered to 'show her' something.
She could then hear a familiar voice. Margos. She was talking rather loudly in the other room.
Shan couldn't hear much but listened to all she could.

"Yeah, I didn't even drink!" She snorted. "I got her to take shots, it was her first time too."
"Yeah; shes my girlfriend now. I honestly don't even-" got all muffled for a bit.....
"Of course I'm still talking to Jessica. She's still interested, yknow."
"She really is such a slut. I barely had to convince her. Plus, she was so drunk too..- " Shan moved around in the bed, propping herself up. "wait, I hear something. Gotta go, ok?"

Margo walked into the room and smiled at Shan.
"Hey Shan," she sat down on the bed "Last night was fun, right?"
Shan shrugged. "It was ok, the alcohol wasn't the best though."
Margo shook her head "I mean, what we did.. you liked it right?"
"What do you mean? I can't remember what you're talking about?"
Margo looked away "Oh, that's fine then."
"You must've not liked that guy very much, huh?"

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