Sour Taste

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Ricardo Perez played with his beard and moustache as he hiked the trails up to Patones de Arriba. Crossing a footbridge over a stream, he took in the fresh, natural scents on the warm breeze that feathered his red cheeks. The fresh scents of mountainous terrain and greenery gave him perspective and a calm mind, which was what he needed after spending five years in the Madrid police force. At thirty years of age, he had lived a life filled with trauma, death, and all manner of degrading, criminal behaviour as a police officer, and briefly as a detective, but now his life was better and stress-free.

He eventually passed the Hermitage of the Virgen de la Oliva Church, which dated back to the eighteenth century. The cobblestone streets were quiet, with only a few passers-by, and the intense smells of fernery, dampness, and dust made him wrinkle his nose.

Walking alongside the Dehesa de la Oliva archaeological site, he stared at what was left of a pre-Romanesque fort. He loved the history of the lower and upper parts of Patones, and knew he had made the right decision moving here from the centre of Madrid. He savoured the medieval town, northeast of the country with its historical-looking restaurants, olive groves, craft gift shops, and small hotels. The steep streets contained a history rich in interesting legends.

Ricardo worked in this part of town but he lived in Patones de Abjo, which was the lower part of the region, because it had more amenities than upper Patones. Still, the upper part was more tranquil and helped him forget his troubles.

As he made his way back down to his residence he spotted a group approaching. Several members of the Civil Guard approached in their green baseball caps, polo shirts and cargo pants. His friend, Angel, was the captain of the team and nodded in his direction.

"Hi Angel. What are you guys doing here?" He took a step down the incline to stay level with his friend.

Angel's crew cut enhanced his square jaw. His green eyes roamed. "Ricardo. Have you seen anyone wearing a grey t-shirt and blue ripped jeans around here?"

"No, why?"

He pressed his lips together as the other three team members talked among themselves. "There is a person of interest we are locating. Our sources say he is not far from the stream, but so far no luck. Are you keeping well, my friend?"

Ricardo nodded. He missed spending time with Angel, who had been busy lately, chasing leads in the drug trafficking trade. "Have you had any luck catching any of those gang members?"

He scoffed. "Those bastards have connections everywhere, but we are determined to find every one of them. They won't get away with polluting our nation and killing our innocent community. I will not stand for it."

"I hear you, man. Anyway, let's catch up for a beer. When are you free?"

Angel grinned. "I will give you a call and make time for you, my friend. You take care of yourself. We have a madman to catch. Take care, Ricardo." He saluted, and his staff joined him, climbing the steep track.

Ricardo kept up the pace as he headed home, his mind flashing back to his brother, Manuel. Angel had mentioned his prison release a few months back, but Ricardo had no interest in reconnecting with a man who had no morals. His poor parents had had to move to Greece for their own safety, while he could take care of himself.

A few times he had considered getting in touch with Manuel to see whether he had changed in prison, but decided against it. Most likely Manuel was the same. The numerous times he'd lied and the stress he had caused his mother when he became violent whilst under the influence. The time Manuel had bruised his brother when his anger was out of control.

No, Ricardo would never be able to forgive Manuel.

Climbing the steps, he bent over to catch his breath before he unlocked his house. It was a spacious, two-storey home with a rustic beauty and history, multiple roofs and multi-coloured brickwork. He was able to get a good deal from the previous owner when he had moved to Patones last year.

He headed for the shower and realised his world was peaceful and content now, knowing that being away from his brother was something he had to do for his own sanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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