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"Are you sure you don't want to come it'll be so much fun. Plus Noah will be there." Olive says giving me a coy smile for that last bit. She walks out of her room in a sparkly grey mini-dress. She looks like a disco ball.

I roll my eyes, she has been trying to get me a boyfriend since I met her. "Yes, I'm sure. Work today was excruciating I'm probably just going to eat and go to bed" I reply from the sofa. I love Olive but I do not how she goes out almost every night and still manages to work and keep her grades up. Honestly, I'm impressed.

"Ok, um I probably won't be home so just don't forget to feed Cat" She reminds me for the fourteenth time. (Yes our cat's name is Cat, yes I know it's unoriginal, and no I don't care).
"Yep, got it. Love you bye have fun Livie!" I set a reminder on my phone knowing I will probably forget to feed the cat.

"Thanks, love you bye!" She walks out the front door. I hear her drive off as I make my way to the kitchen where I see my small black cat sitting on the counter.

"Pspsps, get off you not supposed to be up there" I sighed, she never learns. I shovel through the fridge and give myself a victory fist pump when I find a not-too-old slice of pizza. "Fuck," the microwaves not working. Again. I guess it's cold pizza for me. Yay.

As I reclaim my spot on the sofa I remember the psych 101 homework I have.

I'm halfway through my essay on sociopathic behavior when I hear a noise come from Livie's bedroom. After grabbing one of the kitchen knives I push on the door that was already left ajar. I see movement in the corner of my eye. I quickly turn toward the movement. Staring back at me are the green eyes of Cat. "Thank god" I murmur as I set the knife on the table and walk over to close the window Olive must have left open. I pick up Cat and put her on the ground before I shut the door to Livie's room.

After deciding to take a break from writing I grab the remote and put on Scream, it is my favorite scary movie. I get to the part where Randy is sitting on the couch watching a scary movie. I always get so mad at this part. "He's right behind you, dumb bitch!" I yell at the TV. My neighbors probably hate me. Honestly, everybody in scary movies is a bunch of bitches, I would survive any and all scary movies. I think I hear a chuckle behind me. I flick my neck around to check behind me but all I see is the dark hallway leading to the bedrooms. No.1 rule in scary movies, is NEVER investigate the mysterious sound. Ever.

Craving something sweet I jog over to the freezer hoping Olive didn't eat the last of our ice cream. After a solid thirty seconds of digging around, I give up. Feeling defeated I sulked over to the couch. Before I make it a muscled arm wraps around my waist pulling me back. Their other hand, holding some sort of cloth covers my mouth. I try not to breathe in too much while I flail around trying to get a solid blow on this guy. My vision starts to blur. My thoughts are becoming foggy. I don't have enough energy to keep fighting. My body goes limp. Everything goes dark.

*Ding*. Fuck, I forgot to feed the goddamn cat.


609 words😏

AHHHHH this is the first full chapter I've ever written I hope you guys enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it. If you are reading this and the book is not done I will post a new chapter every weekend, hopefully. I am so excited to keep writing cuz I have no idea where this is heading bc this is mainly based on a scenario I thought of before falling asleep sooooo feel free to give me ideas.

I was in the movie theater watching scream six hence why I added the scream part.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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