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"AAAAAHHHHH" Poor little Chopper screamed because of luffy barging in screaming with no warning.

"Please..." Luffy said with tears in his eyes. He bursted in to tears almost instantly. His knees went weak and then hit the floor with a bang. Chopper just stared at him in confusion. He had never seen his captin cry like this before. It made him sad and worried.

"Are you ok Luffy?..." He said in fear.

"I don't know Chopper... my heart hurts... And it won't stop racing..." You could barely understand him at this point. But Chopper was able to figure it out.

"O-ok... let me feel your heart beat please... sit up Luffy..." Luffy slowly got up onto his knees and let Chopper check his heart beat. "It feels... normal?..." Chopper said confused.

"W-what?..." Luffy stoped crying and just sat there.

"Let me check my books ok? One sec" Chopper wondered off to get some books.

"O-ok..." Luffy was stuned. There was nothing wrong with him. At this point he knew what it was. But he wanted to make sure of it.

"Ok luffy... so I looked in every book I have that talkes about your condition... the heart palpitations to the red face and nervousness... but theres nothing... nothing at all... I'm sorry I can't cure something I don't know..."

"No Chopper your... your fine thank you though you did great..." Luffy said slowly and quietly with a soft smile. It gave Chopper some ease.

"Ok... sorry agian Luffy wish I could help..."

"No seriously you did great Chopper... No worrying about me ok?" Luffy gave another soft smile and laugh before leaving. He knew what was wrong with him. But didn't want to tell any one he was ashamed of him self and confused on why now.

~~ About a week later ~~

Luffy was "normal" again. After Chopper told him there was nothing wrong with him. Well as normal as he could be. Luffy got really attached to Zoro there were practically glued to the hip. Luffy would always be next to zoro no matter what. Whether it was during training or fighting it didn't matter Luffy and Zoro were always together. Especially if Zoro is taking a nap. Luffy always crawls in to his lap and sleeps with him.

"ZOROOOOOOO BREAKFAST IS READ!" Luffy screamed to make sure Zoro knew it.

"Ok!" Zoro yelled. He started climbing down the crows nest when he heard the giggles from the kitchen. He blushed a little when he noticed who's laugh it was. It was his beloved captains laugh. Luffys laugh his best friend and partner in crime.


Zoro hit the ground from the top of the crows nest. He had unconsciously let go of the bars on the ladder due do his panic. He had never thought of his captin as his. It made him... happy.

"ZORO ARE YOU OK!!" Luffy screamed because of his first mate being face down Into the floor boards of the ship. "What happend!?" Lufyy was considered for his friend who seemed dead.

"Im...fine- I think..." Zoro quietly stated in pain. He takes his head out of the floor boards and looked at his worried captin. Blood started to deep from his head. He had a big piece of wood stuck in his face but he didn't notice.

"Omg Zoro! What is wrong with you!" Luffy said while laughing to hide his worring. "Come on breakfast can wait let's go to Choppers office!" Before Zoro could say no Luffy grabbed him by the arm and ran up to Choppers office.

"Hey! Luffy! I'm fine it's just a splinter!!!"

"IT IS NOT JUST A SPLINTER YOY HAVE A PIECE OF WOOD THE SIZE OF A KNIFE STICKING OUT OF YOUR HEAD!" Luffy quickly opened the door and threw Zoro onto the bed. He frantically looked around for a towel and bandages. "CHOPPER WE HAVE A SITUATION!!! CKME HERE!" Luffy screamed hoping Chopper would come up stairs.

"What is it Lu- OH MY GOD!!!"

~{ Blind love }~ ( Zolu )Where stories live. Discover now