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"That's wierd..." Usopp quietly said to him self. In his confusion he went to the kitchen to talk with Sanji. "Hey Sanji?" Ussop asked with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah what's up?" Sanji turned around to make sure nothing was wrong.

"Um have you noticed how wierd luffys been acting lately?"

"Yeah I have. Like yesterday he ran into the kitchen in a flushed panic it was... wierd..."

"Yeah! Right now he just-" Ussop stoped. (Should I tell him or not. I mean it's technically not my business...) "He just... Looked odd today I don't know... But yeah he's been acting wierd..." (I can't say it... I just shouldn't its wrong..."

~~ With luffy and Zoro ~~

(Zoro he's... asleep I hope...) Luffys face was bright red and pushed into Zoro's chest. (If he is awake I'm so screwed... I just-... couldn't help my self...) Luffy was starting to panic about his emotions. But calmed down at the sound of Zoro's heart beat. Luffy drifted off to sleep slowly while listening to the sound the heart beat.

~~ In the morning ~~

Zoro woke up to his captin rapped around him like a belt. He dident mind. This was actually normal to have Luffy randomly doing so thing wierd like this. Zoro tried to get up with out waking his sleeping captin. Eventually he got down from the nest and brought his captin to the boys cabin to place him in his hammock. Luffy shivered and squished him self into a ball. Zoro looked around for a blanket but couldn't find one so instead he-...


About 36 minutes before luffy woke up Zoro couldn't find a blanket. So  he just took off his shirt and coverd luffy with it. Once Luffy woke up he looked around in confusion. Wondering were Zoro was. And that's when he looked down to his hand when he noticed the shirt.

(OMG OMG OMG THERES NO WAY!) He panicked and panicked with his face bright red. "Why would Zoro give me his shirt..." Luffy quietly mumbled to him self. Luffy was still tired and wanted to go back to sleep but what kind of captin would he be if he just sleeped all day. He slowly put on Zoro's shirt while blushing like crazy. Then he slowly got up and stumbled out of the cabin on to the deck.

"Oh hey Luffy! Did you have a good sleep?" Nami said once luffy came out of the cabin.

"It was... It was a great sleep!" He panicked but eventually caught him self and made sure no one would worry by laughing with his big smile.

"I'm glad Luffy. But um I have a question..."

"Yeah what's up?" (Please don't ask about the shirt. Please don't ask about the shirt!)

"Why are you wearing Zoros shirt?"

(Shit- WHY NAMI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!) He turned red and flustered. "W-what??? This is Zoros? I didn't know i-i woke up like this. Hehehehe...hehehe..." He turned away hoping she wouldn't notice his face being bright red. He wasn't lying but still didn't like saying it out loud.

"Oh- Really? I mean I just guessed because of mister shirtless sleeping beauty over there" she made an unimpressed expression.

(She's not wrong though... he is beautiful... I mean just look... at those muscles... I mean God damn... WAIT WHAT!) Luffy panicked and ran to Choppers office as fast as he could. He was scared of these emotions and heart palpitations.

"Well that was odd" Nami said confusion out of her mind. "The hell is wrong with him?"


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