If Aira thinks the culprit is a girl, then its a girl. Even though Aira loved this thrill of going against something that would be completely reckless, Aira sort of did understand how serious this situation is, so in case anything "unexpected" happened, Aira wanted the upper hand. And the first step is to find out who this culprit is, Aira supposed that she could find the culprit soon, but she rather wait and see what happens.

After all, this is all for fun. (Shin-chan: I'm starting to wonder if she is either a masochist or a sadist. . .probably both)

Atobe's POV:

"Isn't that Hime-san??!" asked Jirou who suddenly woke up from Kabaji's shoulder and was pointing excitedly, the regulars looked at where he pointed to see Aira sleeping in a patch of fallen cherry blossoms, while surrounded by cherry blossom trees and the wind softly blowing against her hair (the pic above) (Shin-chan: in case you were wondering, the Hyotei regulars were heading to a tree in the secret passage way to have lunch.) 'Arn, the princess is being quite reckless isn't she.' Atobe thought as the regulars walked a little closer. Atobe saw a cute smile on her usually cold elegant face, he felt a small blush come up to his cheeks, while Choutarou's face was all red. "I-I don't thing w-we should be watching her while she is s-sleeping" Choutarou stuttered, Shishido snorted, "I bet she is doing this on purpose to get guys to look at her."

Jirou looked horrified then begged to Atobe, "Atobe! We have to be her knights in shining armor and make sure those other evil boys don't come to take advantage of her while she is sleeping!" Atobe reluctantly agreed, not liking the thought of other males taking advantage of a helpless female, (Shin-chan: I think I saw Aira's eyebrow twitch at the "helpless" part) The regulars decided to have lunch by a tree that was only meters away from Aira. They started eating when they heard something flapping down. Atobe looked up to see two songbirds land and poke at Aira's face, Shishido grumbled "what is up with this scene..." while Jirou looked at her with a arrow in his heart, "she really is like a princess!!" (Shin-chan: get it? in the stories you always see princesses and songbirds together.) Aira winced and stood up, some clovers stuck in her long bright golden hair, she rubbed her eyes and looked around, her eyes widening slightly when she saw the Hyotei regulars, "Had a good beauty sleep Hime?" asked Atobe with a smirk, Aira looked at him with her still dazed eyes, and just stretched not answering him, she wiped the clovers off her hair, and felt something on her finger. She lifted it up to see a small blue songbird, she smiled slightly, adding some more arrows into Jirou's heart and some blushes from the Hyotei regulars.

Aira looked at the regulars and had the elegant facade back, and asked it she bothered them at all. The regulars reassured her (not Hiyoshi, Shishido, and Mukahi) that it was fine, and they told her the reason why they were there. Aira did a small closed eyed smile at them and thanked them, but said that they had no need to do such a thing, claiming that she was not a damsel in distress. Aira got her own lunch box out and started to eat in the place she just slept, having small conversations with Kabaji who she appeared to take a liking too, Kabaji feeling the same. "Is it hard being a right hand man to Atobe-senpai?" Aira asked, "Usu" Atobe almost choked on his food, feeling slightly insulted, Aira looked at Kabaji with sympathy, while some of the regulars laughed when Aira hushed them, suddenly having a serious look in her eye.

"Arn? Ore-sama does not allow anyone to tell Ore-sama what to do, even if it is the Hyotei princess, I refu-" Aira put her hand on his mouth to shut him up, ignoring the noticeable blush that appeared on Atobe's face, after a few moments she removed her hand, and looked in a direction, "Wha-" Aira holded up her hand to shush Mukahi, she closed her eyes and put her hands on the ground.




Then an big needle, came out of nowhere straight towards Aira (whose eyes were still closed and a calm expression was on her face)

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