Start from the beginning

After a thorough read, the woman took the poster and tore it up.

"Who is that? What's she doing?" Conner asked, whispering to Alex, who was closest to him.

Alex whispered back waspishly. "Do I look psychic to you-"

"Shut up!" Anna hissed, as the woman's head jerked in their direction. Whoever she was, she had excellent hearing.

She also had, as she drew it a second later, a large sword in her possession.

Her gaze was stern and determined, making her instantly, in Anna's eyes, someone to be reckoned with. She stepped closer to where the triplets were hiding.

But then another party was set to join the very weird gathering. A piercing wolf howl echoed through the forest. It was so loud Anna covered her ears, and when she turned, Alex and Conner were doing the same. The woman, however, just turned, and pointed her sword in the opposite direction, away from the triplets.

She didn't have an ounce of fear in her face or body.

That's who I want to be, Anna thought immediately. Someone strong. Someone who you don't mess with.

She instantly looked up to this woman, no matter who she was.

"Porridge! Get ready! We're about to have company!" She shouted.

"Who's Porridge?" Alex and Conner mouthed to each other.

"The horse, idiots," Anna mouthed back.

But there was no time to roll eyes or make a comment back. The 'company' mentioned by the woman was fast approaching. By that, 'arriving' was meant.

Half a dozen wolves were coming through the trees towards them. But these wolves were unlike any other ones that the triplets had ever seen.

For starters, they were four times the size of the wolves they knew. Their fur was jet black and matted. Their eyes were red, their snouts were wide. They looked ready to kill at any moment.

The triplets glanced at each other. There was no doubt about it. They were face to face with the Big Bad Wolf Pack.

Anna shook with fear, but the woman in the maroon coat never showed any hint of panic. She pointed her sword at the largest of the wolves, standing in the middle of the pack. The wolves growled menacingly at her.

"Hello, Malumclaw," the woman said sternly.

"Hello, Goldilocks," was the reply.

This new information showed three different responses.

"Goldilocks! That's Goldilocks!" Alex mouthed in joy.

"No way..." Anna was in awe.

Conner, meanwhile, was in awe at something else. "The wolf talks! It talks!" He mouthed in excitement.

"I'm surprised you're not chained down in some Red Riding Hood Kingdom jail yet," Malumclaw, the talking wolf, said to Goldilocks.

"I'm surprised you haven't been turned into a rug for a child's nursery yet," she retorted right back in his face. "What brings you to this part of the forest? There isn't an innocent village for your pack to torment for miles."

Goldilocks never lowered her sword. The other wolves in Malumclaw's pack slowly surrounded her and Porridge.

"My pack is hungry," Malumclaw answered. "We've stopped for an afternoon snack."

"Have you really come to eat me?" Goldilocks laughed. "I would've thought you'd learned your lesson by now. I bite back."

She gripped her sword tighter.

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