chapter 5 - eh eh?

Start from the beginning

" birthday 24/4"

" bilik no ? "

" bilik warden tu- eh eh ? " not realising Hakeem had been bombard me with questions

Hakeem giggled which made me twist his ears

" ADUH ADUH " he screeched

" oh aku adik fahmi which means aku anak pengetua" i said as i winked towards the others and went to the end of the stage sitting there

then Kahar continued with his lecture like disini lahirnya armada lelaki melayu terakhir whatsoever

After his lecture Kahar then gave out lesen which i got ? (kabel la haduhhai)

" mengikut ordinan kitab high council , upacara malam ni patut sudah tamat.. Tapi apa kata kita tamatkab upacara malam ni dengan... MANIFESTO PILIHAN RAYA !?" he said and started announcing the calon calon

" Dengan itu aku jemput, untuk memulakan pilihan raya high council sesi 2007.. dari rumah Tuah.. NOR NAIM BIN FIRDAUS ISMET! untuk mendapatkan restu dari high council rumah Tuah 2006.. AHMAD FAHMI BIN SAZALI " Kahar said

we then all got into position then Kahar told the larangan

" Sesi restu high council, rumah Tuah.. 3,2...1 "

then Naim and Fahmi started fighting i watched them from behind Kahar

" kau nampak tak ? " Kahar suddenly said

" kau rasa? "

he then pulled me next to him wrapping his arms around my shoulder as i cheered for Naim

Naim then ran towards Abang and pulled him to the ground and started choking him

i watched as Abang struggled to breath and then...
he tapped out

After the fight i kept making fun of Abang for losing to Naim as he was thinner than Abang

" lemah siak bang Naim pun takle lawan " i said making fun of him and i went towards him and hold him up while they were cheering for Naim's victory

I then wrapped my hand on his waist as i walked with him towards the dormitory

" Lambat nau la kau ni bang aku tinggal jugak nanti " i said

Then suddenly Zahrin came up and laughed seeing my effort at trying to walk with Abang

" Nape kau ? "

Zahrin then went to Fahmi and took Fahmi's hand putting it across his own shoulder

" Dah dah biar aku je urus Abang kau ni " he said as they got closer to their room

i then ran to my room leaving them behind

suddenly i bumped into someone

" eh sorry2 aku tak sedar " i said apologising to him

when i looked up i realised he was shirtless

" uh takpe.. Arisa kan ? "

" jap aku lupa nama kau... " i said trying to remember his name again

" aiman ? eh bukan Fakhri kan ?!"

he chuckled nodding

" kau nak gi mana ni ? "

" aku nak balik bilik.. kau ? "

" same.. meh la aku hantar " Fakhri said offiering himself

i just nodded and we had small talk on the way

as we reached my room i bid goodbye to him

"bye cinta..goodnight!" he said smiling like a fool waving at me

" hah? what did u say " i stood there stunned

" no takde pape dah pegi tidur  " he said

" uh yeaa byee" i said as i closed my door

did that guy really called me cinta or am i bluffin?


i went to my bed plopping my head into it when i suddenly got an unknown text

unknown number
hi, ni Kahar
sorry if aku terlampau kasar tadi kat dewan

arisas pb cup
eh no problem i understand
u didnt direct it towards me

abe kapla
btw aku dapat number kau dari Fahmi..

Kahar POV

i looked towards Fahmi's bed seeing as he was already asleep

i actually didnt ask Fahmi for her number

i stole it from his phone but she doesn't need to know that

i looked down at my phone as i got a new message

Arisa my beloved
kau tak tido lagi kee?

seksek kahar

Arisa my beloved
jangan tido akhir sangat
aku nak tido dah ni
goodnight 🫶


seksek kahar
baiklah sayang

Arisa's POV


idk why but i dont feel weirded out at him calling me sayang

astarghfirullah Arisa this is ur brother's friend... dont.

boeklah gess amacam? setakat ni si Arisa ni dah kena pikat brpa kali dah.. dia kena pikat aku yang blushing 🙂

ep 9 gile gile ye gais 🥹


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