𝗘𝗽𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗱𝗲 2: 𝗕𝗶𝗴 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 (2)

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♫Avril Pov♫

Rocque's Records, Dad's Office

(same outfit from last chapter)

There was peaceful music playing in the background.

Dad was meditating at his desk.

I was on the couch writing in my lyrics book that I keep in here.

A familiar voice clears his throat.

Me and Dad looked and saw Griffin and his followers standing by the doorway.

"Hey, Griffin. Hey, I have been meaning to call you," Dad said smiling as he leans forward.

"Yes, and I've been meaning to teach my pet tiger sign language, but I didn't," Griffin said as he pull the chair that's in front of Dad's desk and snap his fingers.

Griffin's followers walk over and turn Dad's desk towards Griffin.

Me and Dad looked at him strangely.

"I also did not approve of $1 million to find a boy band. The boy band is dead. Show him the research," Griffin said.

The woman throws the bander to Dad.

Dad catches it as he falls off the chair.

I get off the couch and rushes over in worried and help him up.

Dad sat back in the chair. "I have a plan."

I smile.

"Change of plan," Griffin said as he stopped Dad.

Me and Dad look at Griffin with frowns.

"The RCM/CBT/Globalnet/Sanyoid board of directors meeting is in four days. And I need to throw them some red meat, which means you have exactly three days to serve me a tasty dish," Griffin said.

Me and Dad had shock faces.

Griffin stands up.

"Three days? You're giving me three days?" Dad asked disbelief.

I place a comfort hand on Dad's shoulder.

"Yes. And I want a look, a name, and a song that will make 11 - to 15 - years - olds steal their parents' credit cards so they can buy it," Griffin said smiling as he puts his old black work jeans in his follower's hand.

Me and Dad had weird looks.

Griffin put on another black work jeans and button them up. "This band has to have it all, Gustavo, because as you know, I want it all." He zipped up the zipper on the black work jeans.

Me and Dad still look at Griffin weird.

Griffin smile. "Mmmm. Warm pants. There's nothing like the feeling of warm pants. Get Gustavo some warm pants."

The worker that brought Griffin his warm pants nodded and left the office.

Dad was still weirded out.

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