Friend or enemies?

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am trying my best here so I hope you enjoy it.😁👍
Outside of my own, any art or videos just wanted to point that out. But I did make them on an app. All except for the pictures I didn't I will leave the Disclaimer.

(Michael Angelo's point of view.)

I was glad to be hanging out with my old pal Leatherhead. 

It has been a while since we got a chance to hang out even if on a mission to connect to signal to satellites but still, it's good to hang out with a friend, and since me and my brothers arguing are on Opalfire.

whether she's good or bad. I mean I know she's good I just wish they would see and give her a chance she hasn't done anything bad and helped despite the Kraang and she helped Ellie return to her family.

As we continued to jump from rooftops I began to get lost in thought we stopped on one of the roots and I let out a sad sigh Leatherhead turned around and asked

Leatherhead: friend, you seem troubled what is on your mind? He asked me.

Mickey: oh, yah I am fine just thinking about something that happened between a friend and me

leatherhead head came beside me.

Leatherhead: What happened?

Mikey: it's kind of a long story I said to him

Leatherhead: hum, I understand do you want to talk about it?

Mikey: Well, I began as I told him What happened.

my brothers don't trust her but I do and I know she's good and needs our help and that's why I gotta find her and make things right I said.

as I finished telling Leatherhead what had happened in the past months.

Leatherhead: Hmm, It seems you have been through a lot you have been thrilled a lot in the past few days.

I understand where your brothers are coming from they just want to protect you and this world from the evil that lurks in it.

I also understand where you are coming from and I believe when you say that there is good in them.

I remember when I first time met you and your brothers you were the only ones who Willie to help me. your brothers were not so sure they could trust me yet but you did.

but over time they learn to trust me perhaps they just need to get to know them. everything will be all right He said.

Huhm I guess you're right I said And took what he said. Into consideration as we continued Jumping from roof to roof.

I suddenly heard a shooting that sounded like someone in trouble.

I looked over at Leatherhead and he heard it. we both gave each other a none of understanding as we headed towards the sound of the commotion.

we got there we hid in an alleyway I looked around the corner and some of the Kraangbots were shooting at something.

but I couldn't see what it was from where HL (AKA  Leatherhead Nickname )and I were hiding.

Stay here I'm gonna take a closer look. I said to Leatherhead as he nodded

I went up to the rooftop and tried to get a close look.

without getting spotted when I got to a rooftop that was somewhat close to where the kraangbots were.

I saw what they were firing It was Opal she was in dragon foam trying to fight off the Kraangbot she needed help.

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