Part Ten: A Commander's Heart

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Back at headquarters that night, Erwin sat up late in his office. Outside the window, the constellations walked a long, slow march westward across the sky, winking bright and then out of view before finally he turned back to his desk. Wiping the trail of salt from his cheek, he penned a letter.

To Commander-in-Chief Dot Pixis,

Dear Sir,

By now you may have heard of our mission failure to detain Zeke Yeager beyond Trost. I write this letter in order to take full responsibility for this lapse, as it was my actions alone which allowed Zeke to escape in his Titan form, evading the possibility of capture and questioning.

I have been a poor Commander of late, and this is due entirely to the fact that I have fallen in love with Captain Levi Ackerman, impairing my judgment in all ways excluding those concerned with what I desire for my future life. If you choose to remove me as Commander, I strongly suggest that you consider him as my replacement. He is unquestionably brave, cunning, and strong, and I would entrust the fate of my squadron into his hands without question, even were it my choice to do so.

I have left instruction for my staff to take this letter to the Captain for his signature as affidavit, after which it should come directly to you.

For Humanity,

Commander Erwin Smith

Placing the letter into his outgoing tray, Erwin drew a second leaf of paper before him and wrote again.

The next morning Erwin watched as the hall boy put his letter into Levi's hands over his breakfast. Though he had intended for the letter to go to the Captain's office, Erwin still watched Levi's face as he removed it from the envelope to read. A frown sunk slow and deep between his dark brows as he read, and looking up across the mess hall his gaze fell sharp and searching onto Erwin's. Standing abruptly, he walked out, abandoning his tea on the table, still steaming.

It was done. Erwin exhaled, feeling as though a stone the size of the world had rolled from his shoulders. A grit fell from between his teeth, followed by a frown. He hadn't even known he'd been carrying that.

Levi was in Erwin's chair when he returned to his office after breakfast.

"What is this," Levi demanded, brandishing the letter at him with a rattle. "What the fuck is this?"

"I assume you read it." Erwin was calm, even so close to him. Resolved.

"You're resigning?"

"That wouldn't be my choice, no."

Levi narrowed his eyes. "So then what is it? A show? Some grand, false gesture?"

"No, Levi."

" you're going to send this to Pixis. This." He read aloud from Erwin's words, "I have fallen in love with Captain Levi Ackerman. You."

Erwin let Levi stare him down, holding his own gaze up open and brave.


"Horse shit."

"Just sign the letter, please."

"I don't believe a word of it."

"Levi, sign the letter," Erwin directed, not as his former lover but as his Commander. "That's an order."

Levi stared at Erwin from across the desk, his eyes glassy as polished stone. Slapping the letter down, he snatched up a pen, stabbing his signature across the bottom of the page. Then he pushed it aside, stood from the chair, and left.

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