Part Six: Mitras

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Levi and Erwin carried on in this breathless secrecy, kissing and groping against the walls behind their closed office doors, hooking their furtive glances across the mess hall and over briefing meetings. Nearly every night Erwin pretended to go out walking when really he was stealing into his Captain's room, falling, winding himself in with Levi's body, sweating and spilling over the white sheets. They fucked face to face, Erwin's back propped so that he could wrap his legs tight around Levi's waist, and Levi moved over him, inside of him like a god, holding Erwin's breath, his pleasure, his very life in his hands.

Erwin almost wished he felt guilty, that he was nursing even an ounce of remorse for his actions, but the bad feelings never came. Every inch of his being was bursting, constantly longing, aching for Levi, and Petra's clipped words and cold silences simply fell somewhere off to the side. Then one night he and Levi laid down gasping together and fell asleep, coiled around one another like roots, and Erwin never made it back to his bed.

Petra screamed at him the next day in his office, not caring that the door to the hallway was open. "Being out late is one thing but this is fucked, Erwin! I know you're lying to me!"

But he couldn't stop this. Wouldn't stop it. Levi had taken hold of him, stepped inside of his ribs, and every thought Erwin had now was of him. They began passing short notes in the common areas, sealed officially to avoid suspicion, but Erwin's heart thrilled at the danger of moving their secret into plain sight like this. Something wild in him wanted everyone to know just as desperately as he needed them not to.

I can't breathe today. I need you. I need your hand around my throat until I can't think.


Your breath and thoughts are mine to withhold. I'll return them when you've given me what I want.


Then one night after the first of May while Erwin lay sleepless in the blue twilight, pacifying Petra with one of his agonizing nights stuck in the apartment, he contrived a plan.

Come away with me this week.


May I ask where?


Pixis wants to see me at the capitol. I'll say that he asked for both of us.


The idea of securing unencumbered time alone with Levi lit up Erwin's cells ecstatic. No watching the clock. No cross-checking his stories, his words, his tone. His knee jogged under the desk all through the day until dinner, when one of the stable boys came inside looking lost and put Levi's reply into his hand.

What clothes will I need?


"What was that?" frowned Petra.

"Something about my mare," Erwin said.

"Why the note? Why didn't he just tell you?"

With a small shrug Erwin feigned ignorance, slipping the note under the edge of his plate as he redirected their conversation, but he saw her staring at it while she ate.

Bring your official uniform, just in case Pixis does want to see you. And then something nice. Let me take you out.


Nothing too swanky. Remember, I grew up a thug.


Erwin could read the smirk in his pen and grinned. Now for the matter of telling Petra without raising her hackles too much higher. He knew she wasn't stupid, but as long as she remained at least half in the dark he decided he could take her slings and arrows.

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