Part Seven: Homophobia

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Levi went out the next morning, citing the opportunity to visit a particular tea shop while in the capitol and ordering Erwin to stay in bed and relax when he offered to join. Erwin dozed in and out until Levi returned several hours later with tea, bread, and two bottles of wine to share later on. In the afternoon they re-donned their official uniforms and returned to the Palace, where Pixis kept them waiting an hour past them scheduled appointment. Erwin juddered his leg impatiently, resentful of wasting what little time he had left with Levi before they were due to return tomorrow.

"I'm going to cut that off if you don't stop," Levi said finally, glaring a warning at Erwin's leg.

Finally they were let inside, finding the Commander's office hazy and stale with smoke.

"We've had a letter from Marley," Pixis said straight away, dispensing with any greetings. He pushed his bottle of whiskey across the table, motioning towards the bar cart along the wall where there were glasses lined up before Pixis' collection of amber liquors.

Meeting Erwin's eye, Levi went and retrieved two crystal tumblers, setting them onto the desk as he returned.

"A Zeke Yeagar. He claims to be a secret oppositional leader of the Marleyan pursuit."

"Yeagar?" Erwin emphasized.

Pixis lifted his cigar from the tray and bit it between his teeth. "Nnn. Exactly." A puff of new smoke landed thick on the air. "More questions to be answered."

"And you trust him?" asked Erwin.

Levi poured the whiskey and both he and Erwin took a glass as they assumed their seats, waiting.

"I'm going to invite him to Trost," said Pixis.

"You've already responded?"

"Not just yet - let's run a scouting expedition first, but Captain Levi said it yesterday; what are our options for defence beyond Eren's Titan? We need information. We need alliances."

Levi stole a dark look towards Erwin. "With respect, Commander, you're interpreting my meaning with a good deal of latitude."

Pixis waved at the cloud of grey smoke around his face, setting his cigar back to the tray. "It's done," he said. "And what's more, he's agreed to be with us on the charge for Wall Marley. Either he'll be our ally, or he'll draw the Armoured and the Colossal Titans in as a trap. Either way, we'll be ready to take them."

Erwin put his whiskey onto the edge of the desk, as yet untouched as Pixis went on: "From now on, Commander, I want you to remain behind with Eren until signalled beyond the Wall. We need to protect our asset."

Following Pixis' visioning, Erwin saw his plan, imagined Levi riding head of the charge, his sword drawn bright and furious. He remembered their last encounter with Berthold and Reiner, thought of Hange lying maimed and burned in the hospital ward, and as though trapped under a wave, the realization that he might lose Levi crushed down on his lungs, flooding him reckless with anger.

"I won't let you use my squad as bait!" he shouted suddenly, rising from his seat.

"Erwin!" countered Levi, but the Commander was already too far gone.

Pixis slammed his fists onto the desk, sending ash jumping from the tray as he shouted, "They are the military's squad, Commander, and it is your job to make them fit for their duty! They're your soldiers, not your pets!"

Erwin stared back blinking, enraged. Then with a scorch, he clipped a curt salute and spun on his heel for the door, leaving Pixis and Levi both in the office behind him. Moving as long and fast as his legs would carry him, he marched down the stairs and out into the crowded street, his heart thudding furious in his ears. He had never flagrantly rebuked an order before, but then he had never before been asked to put the man he loved into the path of certain death.

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