Chapter Two

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Sidon didn't speak the whole swim. He swam fast, much faster than Link could have possibly gone, even with a hasty elixir. They flew past the most gorgeous sights; waterfalls, trees, cliffs, monuments of stone. Link almost wished he had hiked just so he could stop and admire them. Almost.

"Hold on tight," Sidon instructed. Link did not tighten his grip, but only because he was already holding on as tightly as he could. Sidon cut through the water like a blade. Water sprayed in Link's face. He wasn't sure what was rain and what was river, but he supposed it didn't matter.

They began shooting toward a waterfall in front of a cliffside. Link closed his eyes, bracing for impact against the stone, but none came. He opened his eyes to find he was quite literally travelling up the waterfall. "How?"

"We Zora can traverse rivers and waterfalls with ease," Sidon smiled, though he did not accompany it with his arm movement like he usually did. "You'll remember soon enough, I'm sure. Being there will certainly jog your memory."

Link doubted it, but he said nothing.


Zora's Domain was beautiful. The sky was dark and overcast, but it did nothing to damper the majesty that stood tall before Link.

Several people called out as he passed. "Link? Is that you?"

"Hi," Link said, pretending to know these people.

"You're with Prince Sidon, so you must be doing something important. But we must catch up later, alright?"

Link promised all of his apparent past friends that they would converse as soon as possible.

They passed a shrine on their way to the king. Link marked it on the Sheikah slate as Sidon waited patiently, then followed him up the wide, almost sparkling steps to the throne room.

Atop a throne in the middle of the room sat a Zora bigger than anyone Link had ever seen. He sat straight, seemingly too round to sit any other way. The high ceilings were a blessing, not even coming close to the 14 foot Zora king's head.

King Dorephan looked excited upon seeing Sidon and Link approaching. "Ah," he called, "Sidon! Link!"

Link stood in front of him while Sidon went to his side. On his other side stood a green Zora, short in comparison to the royals. He nodded to Link politely, but said nothing.

"Have the guards alerted Mipha of Link's return?" Sidon asked his father.

"Worry not, Sidon. She is on her way back as we speak," he turned back to Link. "Ah, dear Link. It is so good to see you."

Link stared at him, trying to think of what to say. This man was the king, so why was he being so friendly? Was he just a friendly person like Sidon? He seemed like it, but this felt like more. It felt like he and Link knew each other well. Link couldn't think of what to say, of how to ask the questions on his mind.

King Dorephan seemed to sense Link's questions without him saying them out loud. "Do not tell me you have forgotten me. It is I, King Dorephan of the Zora!"

"The Hylian Champion, eh?" asked the small green Zora. "We meet again, Link."

"I cannot believe it. Link, the Hylian Champion, has appeared before us. We have met numerous times, I'll have you know. Ah, so many memories. My mind is overflowing with nostalgia, my friend. I heard a terrible rumour you had fallen in combat, but it appears you managed to survive. Extraordinary!"

Link nodded. "I lost my memory," he apologised.

The king lurched forward. 'Oh,' Link thought, 'he isn't too round to move. Impressive. He must be the strong kind of fat. I wonder how much he can lift.'

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