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I've been here for a month already, and time is just flying. Every moment I have or Steve does, we spend together. From hiking the trails to riding them - it can even just be sitting by the river for hours saying nothing. But I don't care. The more time I spend with him the more I come to know him more than I thought I did. The more personal things.

And he is finding the same about me in return.

He knows I'm allergic to nuts, so anything I have he always ensures is free from that.

He knows that I like the flowers that grow here wild and free, and has left some for me on the porch swing of a morning more than once. Each time the bouquet seems to get a little bigger.

I had left my favourite book back at my apartment. The next day a new copy turned up at my cabin.

It's all him.

Sarah has seen the change in him since my return and so have I. He would always smile if I was around but behind it I knew he was trying to hide his grief. Now I can slowly see it becoming more of a content one than a burden.

He's opening up more to me, about him and sometimes things that his dad or they both did. The memories becoming less painful and turning into ones that he can cherish. It's going to be a while, and no one ever fully heals from what he's been through, but it's the first breakthrough that anyone has seen from him so a win is a win in my opinion.

Steve always keeps to his routine. Up at 5am to be out and seeing to the horses come 6am. He'll either have breakfast with Sarah or both of us. Then he's either in his office or out doing maintenance on the ranch, helping with the barn. Come 5pm he's done and we'll either have dinner together or just spend the evening in one another's company. That's when we really talk. About anything and everything.

"You still draw?" I ask one evening as we're curled up on the sofa, fire roaring in the fireplace and watching some TV.

I feel him shift as he looks down at me from where I'm comfortably lying against him. "You remember that?"

"Mhmm". I nod. "I know you would have liked to go to art college".

He chuckles. "Yeah, that was the dream of the kid back then. Couldn't imagine it now though. But no, I don't really...not anymore. Kinda lost sight of it".

"Remember you taught me how to draw a horse? Or at least try?" I laugh. "Still can't, best I can do is stick people and animals". I pause. "But I still have that picture you gave me".

"What one?"

"Of the river. It was that day after you helped me with fly fishing - which I still suck at - you sat and drew it. Still have it. I have everything from that stay here".

He turns my head and kisses me. "So do I".

I can tell from his voice and gaze that he means me, and I instantly want to melt.

Checking his watch, he sinks back more into sofa, pulling the blanket over us. The nights are becoming a little more chilly than usual and the turn of the season will soon be upon us.

Nights like these have fast become my favourite.

It's no surprise that we wake on the sofa the next morning in the same snuggled positions that we fell asleep in - the alarm from Steve's phone sounding and he tries to shift gently so as not to wake me more.

With a small stretch and a groan, he leans down and gives me a light kiss on my head. "Hey...I need to go". He tells me quietly and slowly slides out from under me, readjusting the blanket so I'm tucked in and snuggled. "I'll bring you breakfast when I'm done?"

"That would be great" I yawn and now look up at him sleepily from my blanket cocoon. "Can't you stay for five more minutes?"

"Wish I could, but duty calls. I'll be back before you know it". He promises, giving me a long kiss and then heading out to go back and change before he starts his day.

I know I'm in love because I miss him already.

By the time I wake up a couple of hours later, shower and dress - Steve is back with breakfast as promised, and afterwards we head to the storage barn to rifle through anything that could be of use to the wedding barn décor. All around there are pieces of history, from old carts and pieces of wagons, to vases, saddles and so on.

"We don't want to overload it with things like this. Pieces just dotted around add to the charm". I say as we make a section in one corner for things that could be useful. Less is more after all.

"All I can say is that I'm looking forward to having it done and dusted so we can see exactly what it looks like". He says.

I nod. "I suppose the same could be said for the cabin. Have you sorted out what kind of days you'd be looking at?"

"Probably a Sunday and then another day during the week that isn't Friday or Saturday. Otherwise it'll be too much for changeover day". He tells me. "With this, the hotel will have more business, which will bring more people to the town. Not that they're struggling but every little bit of custom helps".

He's right there.

"What about catering?"

"We're putting in a kitchen so caterers can use it, saves having to take on a dedicated group of people. Only hire staff we need will be for the bar and serving the food". He goes on. "It's a lot, but we can do it".

I stand up and wipe my hands on my jeans. "I think we'll stop there for today".

Steve agrees with me on this. "Good idea", and then checks his watch. "Tell you what, I'm just gonna go check on the barn work, but how about I meet you back at your cabin and we head up to the point for a while?

"Ok". I nod and give him a quick kiss before we part ways.


Up at the point is the most private and refreshing place to be. With his arms around my waist, the sunlight is reflecting off of Steve's aviators as he keeps a hold of me, chin resting on my shoulder. During the months with no guests, he chooses to not wear his hat, reverting back to a small sense of 'normality' in that sense.

At first it was a little strange to see him without it, but I'm used to it by now.

I soon feels his arms slip away from around me and he releases me altogether.

"Darby..." He begins and I turn, wondering where he is for a moment before realising that he is down on one knee...

"S-Steve..." I stammer in shock, seeing that he is holding a ring. "I thought we..."

He stops me. "I know, I know - but this? It's more just to let you know that I have the ring, and I do eventually wanna put it on your finger, but when you feel that the time is right? You can give me your answer". He smiles up at me. "But just know that I'll wait, however long it takes". 

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