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Ruth's POV

The car ride is going by ridiculously slow mostly because Michael and Luke won't shut up. They are chatting about something to do with outer space and the planets or something like that. I tuned them out early on because I can't stand hearing them talk with such excitement over otherworldly things. The way they're bonding is actually annoying and even though my brother doesn't bat for the other team, I'm beginning to think this matchmaking is for his benefit.

Tuning them out was probably a mistake in its own because as I stare out the backseat window, I have nothing to distract me from self-loathing about how bad of a friend I am to Serena. My mind hasn't been where it needs to be and has been focusing on someone I shouldn't be thinking of as much as I do.

Even now, when I should be thinking of an excuse as to why I didn't buy Serena a gift or even wish her a happy birthday last night, I can only thinking of the way Ashton looked at me before we left.

The smile that I've started to grow fond of never surfaced. Although, what do I know? From where I was standing he could have been giving me a toothy grin and I wouldn't be able to see it from my distance. But from what I could see, he did look less than thrilled. I was expecting to hear him ask where I was going or invite himself with us, but instead, he just turned his back to me and slammed his door. He might as well have just slammed his door in my face because the distance didn't make it hurt any less.

Maybe he's mad because we (and by we, I mean Luke) invited Michael instead of him. If it were up to me, neither Michael nor Ashton would be here with us. It would have been just me and Luke going to meet up with Calum and Serena, but no. Luke had to play matchmaker for his own selfish reasons and invite Michael, who I don't even have a crush on anymore, with us. Idiot.

Yeah, it's sweet that Luke is trying to set me up with someone decent, but I'd like to have the upper-hand when it comes to choosing people to date. Michael is a good guy and everything, but I haven't hung out with him long enough to even feel remotely attracted to him.

"Hey Ruth, you okay?" Michael asks, twisting around in his seat to face me.


"She's just upset that she forgot Serena's birthday," Luke says, cutting me off.

"Damn," Michael says. "If I ever forgot Ash's birthday, I'd never hear the end of it from him."

"Thanks, Michael, that makes me feel so much better," I say with a roll of my eyes.


"Don't take it personally," Luke says. "She's very irritable in the mornings and it doesn't help that she was up late working."

"Luke, how much did this car cost you?" I ask innocently, rubbing the smooth leather seat.

His blue eyes sternly glare at mine through the rear-view mirror. "Ruth, I just got insurance on this baby; don't you even think of keying it," he warns.

"Like I even have the guts to key your car," I scoff. However, he didn't say anything about taking it for a little spin and accidentally leaving it at a parking meter and letting it get towed.

I hop out of the car after Luke parks at the café, quite poorly I should add. The teal and white exterior of the building is outdated but fitting, although, it wouldn't hurt to touch up the paint here and there. Leading everyone inside, I scan the open yellow room until spotting Serena and Calum sitting and talking at one of the tables. Calum is quick to notice and wave for us to come over.

Whipping out my best 'I am totally a morning person' smile, I amble over to their table. "Happy birthday," I cheer, sitting next to Serena and giving her a quick side hug.

Piece of Cake | Ashton Irwin [au]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt