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"Hellooo.. Earth to Y/N!" Lucy called her h/c haired friend who seemed to be in a daze.

Sasha takes advantage of both girl's distraction and stuffed her face with more desserts. "Wow it's like she's hypnotized!" Sasha comments, poking Y/N's cheek.

"Can you blame her though? That guy was super hot!" Lucy blushes.

Y/N stood still as she continued staring at the door where the handsome blonde stood once. She felt her heart pounding against her chest just by recalling when the beautiful stranger held her by her waist to prevent an embarrassing face plant on the floor.

Don't even get her started when he said her name in his soft soothing voice. Just then her eyes widened in realization.

She never got his name.

Y/N blinks a few times before looking at her surroundings only to come face to face with Lucy who was looking at her completely worried.

"Ugh finally I thought you would never snap out of it!" She sighs in relief.

"At least Camilla wasn't here or she'd be throwing a fit right now." Sasha thought out loud.

"Honestly a part of me wishes she were here. That way I could see her face whenever that guy said bye to Y/N. Did you see the way he was looking at you by the way?" Lucy nudges her friend.

Y/N gulps and blushes. "H-Huh?"

Sasha runs towards the door and looks around. "Aw darn he's gone!" She says before walking back inside.

Looking at her wrist, Y/N's eyes widen upon seeing the time. "Alright I think that's enough chit chat. Let's hurry and stock up. The lunch rush is about to start." She says. Her leadership personality taking over.

However no one needs to know she mainly said that because she didn't want to be the center of attention anymore.

"Ah right!" Lucy says as she rushes to the kitchen.

"Sasha, make sure everything is clean. Lucy will stock up on desserts, and I'll stock up the cups, lids and bags."

Sasha salutes the h/c haired girl. "Yes mam!" She says as she grabs some cleaning utensils.


Approaching the apartment I sigh in exhaustion upon seeing the barricade I had set up earlier to prevent Anya from following me.

Just by looking at it made me even more tired.

'There has to be a better way for me to get this kid to stay in the house without me having to barricade her in the apartment.' I think to myself.

After somehow managing to find the energy to move my self made barricade I open the door only to see Anya watching TV.

She turns around and face me with a big smile on her face. "Papa this is my favorite show!" She points at the TV.

Sighing again in agitation, I sit on the couch in front of the TV. "Spy Wars?" I ask.

'Out of every single show there is this one had to be her favorite?' I think to myself.

Going through my bag, I take out one of the bags of peanuts. "Here I bought you some peanuts. Don't eat them all. I'm going to make dinner." I say.

"Thank you papa!" Anya smiles as she takes the bag.

Heading towards the kitchen I look through the cabinets and decide I'm going to make pasta.

"Anya wash your hands. Dinner's ready." I say, placing two plates on the table.

Liar (Loid Forger x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now