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Piggy and I made it to the stream and 'woah' it was covered in screams, shouting and even kids swinging themselves of trees. It was a sight you could never forget but it was better when it was empty and quiet.

"Here piggy--i mean." I accidentally said, "No it's alright I know you don't mean it in a bad way."

I let out a sigh, "alright."

I moved myself to a roughly clean tree stud, I sat there watching them.

They all acted as if it was a water theme park, I saw it as cute and funny.

I wonder what would of happened if I didn't get aboard on that plane, I probably wouldn't of made memories like this on that plane.

As I was zoned out a certain duo of boys came at me, "so what's with you and piggy?" Rodger laughed as Jack slowly joined in, " what's up with you and jack? " I rephrased their sentence with a laugh as I stood up and tried to walk away.

I felt a hand push me to the ground, " what did you say? " Rodger furiously said raising his voice.

I stood myself up turning to them and looked down, jeez... I just washed my clothe.

"Don't forget your just a girl." He pushed in the chest with his hands, making some kids start to notice what's happening.

"--just some weak girl." He shoved me again but harder.

"Without us I guarantee you wouldn't even survive here!" He again pushed me that hard I fell onto the ground on my back hand making a huge pain hit in a certain spot.

Ow... Ah that hurts..

"Didn't your parents ever learn you manners to a girl." I stated the truth as I grabbed my wrist firmly behind my back as I stood up. "I heard if you ever hurt a girl it means that your a scared-ee-cat." I muttered while staring at him in the eyes with a smile.

A huge crowed formed and Ralph came running in just before Rodger was about to do something. "Stop it! That's enough!"

I'm the crowd I could hear kids calling Rodger a ' scared-ee-cat. ' this act made Rodger have a face of thunder.

Ralph turned himself to Rodger then me, "you shouldn't be causing a fight just  because you like to!"

Jack then pulled Rodger back, "just forget what she said."

Ralph walked to me, "I said you shouldn't go near them." He states as I felt a bit annoyed already enough.

"They came up to me." I admit as my wrist started to hurt even more. It was quite a pain.

Ralph let out a sigh, "you should of ignored them."

I looked at Ralph, "how could i? They were making fun of me?"

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