Family Should Get Along With Each Other

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I left without saying another word. I drove my car to the hotel my dad was staying at. I got out of the car and grabbed the duffel bag. I already knew what room he was staying in so I took the elevator to the 5th floor. I walked down the hallway and knocked on the correct door. My dad opened the door a minute later.

"Can I stay with you for a few days." I asked

"Bella of course you can but I need to know what is going on first." Wren said

I walked into the room and sat on one of the beds. I broke down in tears before I could tell my dad what happened.

"Your mom called me right before you showed up." Wren said

"Did she tell you why I left?" I asked

"No, all she told me was that you packed a bag and she thought you were headed to see me." Wren said

"Mom found a bottle a pills in my bedroom this morning." I said

"Bella, Please tell me the pill bottle is old and you didn't relapse again." Wren said

"The bottle isn't old but it's not new either. Mom wouldn't believe me when I told her that the pills are not mine. She asked me to take a drug test to prove I wasn't on them." I said

"Bella, I believe you but running away is only going to make you look guilty." Wren said

"Everyone thinks of me as this girl who takes drugs and I'm tired of it dad." I said

"I know it's hard but this is something that you are always going to struggle with." Wren said

"Dad, I couldn't even handle a breakup without it leading me back to drugs." I said

"Most people with Alcohol or Drug addiction issues will relapse at least once." Wren said

"How do I make sure that I never go back on drugs?" I asked

"Bella, I know you don't want to hear it but there is really no way to prevent you from relapsing again." Wren said

I started crying again and I eventually fell asleep. Hours later I woke up and had a late lunch with my dad.

"I talked to your mom again this afternoon." Wren said

"Does she want me to come home?" I asked

"She does but I told her that spending a few days with me might be what you need." Wren said

"That's good I guess." I said

"I am going to the varsity basketball game tonight at your school and I want you to come with me." Wren said

"Do I have to dad?" I asked

"Yes unless you would rather go home." Wren said

"Fine, I'll go with you." I said

I went to the basketball game with my dad. I was only supporting JT because he is family. Tyler got to play in the game as well. Rosewood high lost the game so basketball was over for the season. JT and Tyler played well even though they lost but it was a close game.

Deylia's POV

The drive to Toronto was fairly long so I took turns driving with Branden. 10 hours later we arrived in Canada. The drive only took about 8 hours but we stopped for lunch and also a few times for bathroom breaks. It was getting dark and also dinner time once we got to Branden's dads house. Branden hadn't seen his dad in almost 4 years so it was weird for him at first. Kelsey was there eating dinner but their mom was back at the hotel she was staying at.

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