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Sunwoo had been wanting to hang out with Y/N for a while, but he couldn't find the right opportunity to ask her out. One day, he decided to ask his Sangyeon hyung, Y/N's brother, and decided to take the chance if he could help arrange a hangout.

"Hey, Sangyeon hyung! do you think you could bring Y/N to hang out with me and the rest of maknae line?" Sunwoo asked, trying not to sound too desperate.

Sangyeon smiled and said, "Sure, I can ask her if she's free this weekend. Who else would be there?"

"It's just going to be me, Eric, and Haknyeon," Sunwoo replied.

Sangyeon raised an eyebrow, "Eric and Haknyeon? Are you sure Y/N will be okay with that?"

Sunwoo nodded confidently, "Yeah, plus it'll be fun to hang out as a group."

Sangyeon chuckled, "Okay, I'll talk to Y/N and let you know."

A few days later, Y/N arrived at the park where they had agreed to meet up. Sunwoo was nervous but excited to see her. As they walked towards the picnic blanket where Eric and Haknyeon were waiting, Sunwoo couldn't help but feel grateful to Sangyeon for helping make this happen.

As they settled down and started chatting, Sunwoo noticed Y/N smiling and laughing with Eric and Haknyeon. He felt a twinge of jealousy, but quickly reminded himself that he was just happy to be hanging out with her.

The day flew by, and as the sun started to set, Sunwoo realized how much he had enjoyed hanging out with Y/N. As they said their goodbyes and started to head home, Sunwoo turned to Y/N and said, "Thanks for coming today. I had a really great time with you."

Y/N smiled and replied, "Me too, Sunwoo. Let's do this again sometime."


A/N: hello it's been awhile..

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