#35 Where were you? Pt.1

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[ angst(slight) And also, i'm not that confident on this one. Imyyyy :)) ]

Changmin is your brother.
Chaesoo is Sunwoo's cousin.

"I'm home!" You announced as soon as you arrived at your brother's dorm.

'Huh? No one's home?' You thought. You put off your shoes and place them on the shoe rack.

"Everyone, I'm her—" You were cut off when you saw the scene in front of you. There they are, laughing and talking to

'A Girl?' You thought. They stopped talking as they noticed your presence.

"Oh, Y/N you're here?" Sangyeon. The others just glanced at you for a second and said their greetings and bring their attention back again to the newcomer.

"Sangyeon Oppa, What's happening?" You asked.

"Sunwoo's cousin, Chaesoo just came from vacation and she decided to visit him. She'll be here only for a day." Sangyeon explained.

"Hey, Y/N. Come here for a sec." Sunwoo yelled. He got up from his seat and walk towards you. He then grabbed your arm and lead you to the living room.

"Y/N this is Chaesoo, Chaesoo this is Y/N." Sunwoo introduced.
Chaesoo held her hands out wanting to shake hands with you.

You just glanced at it and looked at her in the eyes. You then smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Min Oppa told me great things about you." She giggled.

"'Min'?" You glanced at your brother, He just shrugged at you.

"Oh sorry, did I say something wrong?" She stuttered and started tearing up.

"No, it's okay, Chaesoo. You can call me whatever you want." Changmin assured.

"Really? But I think Y/N doesn't like the way I call you that."  Changmin and the rest of the boys looked at you.

"Uhm, No it's not like that." Why does she have to say it like that? You fight the urge to roll your eyes at the moment. She made you look bad in front of the boys.

As the awkward situation unfolds, you try to maintain your composure and not let Chaesoo's comment bother you too much. You don't want to create any unnecessary tension, especially since she's Sunwoo's cousin and a guest in their dorm.

"It's not a big deal," you say with a smile, trying to diffuse any potential discomfort.

"Chaesoo, you're welcome to call me Min if you'd like." with that, you saw Chaesoo smirking at you.
You balled your fist and sighed.

"I'm off to my room." You said.

"Ah Y/N, Chaesoo said that she is not comfortable sleeping in a different room so she'll sleep in Sunwoo's room tonight."

"What?" Your heart dropped.

"Yeah, Sorry about that Y/N, it's just for a few days," Sunwoo explained apologetically.

You smiled and looked at Haknyeon.

"Hak, can I sleep in your room tonight?" You managed to say despite the lumps forming in your throat. Haknyeon noticed your state and he already knows. He warmly smiled at you and agreed.

"Sure." hearing Haknyeon's response you wasted no time and went to his room. The moment you close the door, your legs gave up, tears rolling uncontrollably.

You knew that Chaesoo's comments were probably innocent, but they still bothered you, especially when she insinuated that you didn't like being called "Min."

You quickly wiped your tears away and think of a way to distract yourself.


As the evening passed, you heard laughter and chatting coming from the common area.

It seemed like everyone was having a good time, including Chaesoo, who had quickly blended herself into the group.

You felt a mix of emotions—happiness for Sunwoo, who got to see his cousin again, but also a twinge of jealousy that you couldn't quite explain.

You shook it off, reminding yourself that it's normal to feel a bit left out when someone new joins a close-knit group.

The next morning. 

You quietly got up, not wanting to disturb Haknyeon, who was still sleeping soundly. You walked out of the dorm without telling them and went to your grandma's to  distract yourself.

To be Continued...

Sunwoo Imagines I | Sunwoo X Female ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt