Ice Cream

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The Beginning... (1)


Y/N's Point of View:

I was lost in thought, staring at the ground as I walked down the busy street. Suddenly, I heard a soft gasp followed by the sound of something hitting the pavement. I looked up to see a girl standing in front of me, her ice cream splattered on the ground.

I was stunned by her beauty. Her long red hair flowed like fire, and her eyes were an enchanting mix of purple and yellow. She was the kind of girl who could stop traffic with a single glance.

But I had ruined her ice cream, and her clothes were now stained with it. I felt like the world's biggest idiot.

"I'm sorry," I stammered, barely able to form the words. "I wasn't paying attention."

The girl let out an exasperated sigh and clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Tsk, you're so clumsy," she muttered.

I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment. "I'm sorry," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

The girl looked down at the mess on the ground. "It's just ice cream," she said, her voice softening. "No big deal."

I was surprised by her sudden change in tone. Despite my mistake, she was being kind to me. I couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

"Let me buy you a new one," I blurted out.

The girl looked up at me, her eyes searching mine. After a moment, she nodded. "Okay," she said. "But this time, you're carrying it."

With a nervous sweatdrop running down my forehead, I managed to force out a reply. "S-sure..."

But as I looked at her, I couldn't help but be struck by her beauty. Her eyes were like jewels, shining brightly in the sunlight. And her hair... It flowed like a waterfall of fire. I felt my heart skip a beat.

But I quickly shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. This wasn't the time for silly crushes.


As we walked down the street in search of ice cream, I couldn't help but steal glances at the girl beside me. Ah! Snap out of it me!

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "O-oh yeah... I never got your name, did I?" I said, trying my best to sound as casual as I can. "My name is Y/N L/N, by the way. What's yours?"

The girl looked at me, her purple-ish yellow eyes sparkling in the sunlight. "Surtr," she said simply.

I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the sound of her name. It was unusual and exotic, just like her. "Surtr," I repeated, trying out the name on my tongue. "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, L/N," Surtr said with a flat tone, her purple-ish yellow eyes scanning the area for the perfect ice cream to fit her mood.

"So, Surtr, what brings you here?" I suddenly asked, breaking the silence and hoping to learn more about her.

Surtr's eyes flickered towards me briefly before she responded in her usual flat tone, "Just felt like getting some ice cream."

I wasn't deterred by her lack of enthusiasm. Instead, I saw it as a challenge. I was determined to break through her emotionless exterior and find out what made her tick. "Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor?" I asked.

Surtr shrugged. "Not really. They're all the same to me," she said, her tone still flat.

"Oh, uhm, alright then..." I stammered awkwardly, not sure what to say next.

Surtr didn't seem to notice my discomfort, or if she did, she didn't show it.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Surtr found an ice cream that caught her attention. I didn't waste any time and immediately bought it for her, hoping to make up for my earlier awkwardness.

"Thanks," Surtr said, taking the ice cream from me without much enthusiasm.

"No problem..." I muttered awkwardly, watching as Surtr ate the ice cream I had bought for her. Her expression was still as emotionless as ever, but I could tell that she was enjoying it deep down.



Unable to take the silence any longer, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"You have really beautiful hair," I said, immediately regretting it.

Surtr looked at me for a moment, her expression unreadable. "Thank you," she said simply, before going back to her ice cream.

I felt like such an idiot. How was I ever going to get this girl to like me if I couldn't even hold a decent conversation with her?

As we walked to the park, the silence between Surtr and I felt heavy and uncomfortable. I racked my brain for something to say, some way to break through the barrier of her emotionless demeanor and connect with her on a deeper level.

"What's your favorite color?" I blurted out, feeling stupid as soon as the words left my mouth.

Surtr looked at me, her expression unreadable. "I don't really have one," she said softly.

"Oh," I said, feeling even more awkward now. "Well, what kind of music do you like?"

Again, Surtr's response was noncommittal. "I don't really listen to music," she said.

I was starting to feel discouraged. Is there really nothing I can think of to break this awkwardness...? Maybe I should ask about the weather- Wait no bad idea!

"So, Surtr," I said, trying to keep the conversation going. "I'm curious, what are some things you're into? Any hobbies or interests?"

Surtr looked at me for a moment, her expression inscrutable. Then, she spoke in a quiet voice. "I like to read," she said. "And I enjoy training... I find it helps me focus."

"Training?" I repeated, intrigued. "Like, physical training?"

Surtr nodded. "Yes. I find it helps me clear my mind and stay disciplined."

I could see the determination in her eyes as she spoke, and I felt a pang of admiration for her. Surtr might be quiet and reserved, but there was clearly more to her than met the eye.

"And what about dislikes?" I asked, hoping to get a fuller picture of her.

Surtr hesitated for a moment before replying. "I don't like crowds," she said finally. "Or loud noises. They make me... Uncomfortable."

I nodded, filing away this information for future reference. It wasn't much, but it was a start - a glimpse into the inner world of Surtr, and a clue to what made her tick.

As we walked on, I resolved to keep the conversation going, to keep probing and learning more about this enigmatic girl with the fiery hair and the inscrutable gaze. There was something about her that drew me in, something that made me want to peel back the layers and discover the real Surtr beneath the surface.

And maybe... We could... Ah! Get your mind out of the gutter Y/N!

I shook my head, trying to clear it of the jumbled thoughts that were swirling around inside. Surtr had a way of getting under my skin, of making me feel things that I wasn't quite sure how to deal with despite only meeting her for the first time...

I glanced over at her, walking beside me with her usual quiet grace. Her hair was shining in the sunlight, and her eyes seemed to hold a world of secrets.

I wondered what she was thinking, whether she was as aware of the strange tension between us as I was. But then again, maybe it was all in my head... Maybe I was reading too much into things...

I took a deep breath, trying to focus on the present moment...


The Beginning... (1) End.

A/N; I decided to cut it into two parts other wise it would be too long for my liking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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Ice Cream (Arknights Male Reader x Surtr) [AU]Where stories live. Discover now