I stood up and gathered the paperware and put them back in the bag. Alex seems to lose her appetite and joined me to put away the cups and cutleries.

Upon doing so, it was inevitable for our hands to brush each other, I don't know about her but every time that happens, it sends a shiver down my spine. And every time it happens, she will look at me, is she doing it on purpose?

"I will just go to the bathroom." I told her as soon as I packed everything.

I stood up and I could feel her eyes on my back, following me.

When I was out of her office, I stopped and let out a big and deep sigh. I feel like I was holding my breath the whole time inside Alex's office.

When my breathing was back to normal, I start walking toward the bathroom.

I stared at myself in the big mirror. Something in me changed over the past weeks, I know it's because of Alex.

And after what just happened, the almost kiss between Alex and me, I think things will change drastically.

I washed my face in the sink, hoping the water washes away all the things that were in my head. I need to clear my mind, when I go back to Alex's office, I need to be cool, I must be cool.

I took a little bit more time before going back.

I don't know what will happen now, should we talk about it? Or just pretend it didn't happen? Or... should we do it? Should I initiate? I don't think I can, but... What if I do initiate it? Will she respond? I mean, what happened earlier, it could be in a moment thing, you know? What if she didn't really want to kiss me?

Oh my god! So much for clearing my head.

I didn't bother to knock at the door and just went inside.

Alex is still on the couch though her injured leg is already down on the coffee table.

"Hey." She greeted me without even looking.

Okay, so we're gonna pretend it didn't happen.

I felt a sting in my chest thinking about that. I sat on the floor and start working, I didn't even return her Hey.

It's almost 08:00 in the evening and I think we just finished half of the documents.

I heard her yawn, she must be tired and sleepy.

"Umm, maybe we should finish the rest tomorrow?" I gathered my strength to look up at her and meet her eyes.

She looked at the documents that were scattered on the floor before she found my eyes, but not long before she stared at my lips.

Looking at her looking at my lips gave me such a rush and without thinking, I deliberately licked my lips.

I made sure it was slow and made my lips moist.

I knew it affected her so much as she seem to swallow a big lump in her throat. Her eyes were still on my lips while her mouth hung open.

"Alex?" I called on her.

"Alex?" I repeated when she didn't respond.

"Y-Yeah..." I searched for her eyes. Her face turned red when she realized what just happened.

I didn't mean to embarrass her, seducing, is what I was trying to accomplish which I think I did perfectly.

Wow! I didn't think I'd have the guts to do that. 

Adrenaline was shooting down on me knowing I did have an effect on her. Maybe this could go somewhere. Maybe.

"I said, should we finish the rest tomorrow? It's getting late and... you're obviously worn out."

She seems to recover fast. 

"Umm, yeah, sure."

"Don't bother..." She said when I start cleaning up.

"We'll get back to it tomorrow, so... let them be on the floor."

I nodded at her.

I immediately went to her rescue when I saw her having a hard time getting up. She was sitting for a long time and with her injury, of course, she won't be able to stand on her own.

"Slowly..." I told her. "Don't hurry..."

My right hand was holding her arm and the other was on her waist. I let go of her arm when she fully stood but offered it again for her hand to hold while walking.

We walked toward her desk to get her stuff. Our bodies were very close to each other.

God knows how much I was fighting my insides not to take advantage of her!

She was obviously having difficulty walking and all I can think of is pulling her more into me, feeling her body into mine, and god, she smells so fucking good I was almost losing my mind.

Be strong, Cara! Be strong! Now is not the time! I scolded myself.

She must've felt my body tensed having it close to hers.

"Are you okay, Cara?" She asked me with a smirk.

Dammit, payback time!

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