1 | your my dream that never faded away

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soft tunes danced around the area under the oak tree

the flowers and grass fell in love with the soft melodies the mandolin made, so as a dark headed girl who was hanging on top of the tree listening secretly to the boy

they boy remained oblivious to the girl above the tree as he continued to play the tunes his heart said, tiny butterflies fluttered around him as he continued to play

the other children of Grace field played all sorts of outdoor games, tag, running, hide and seek, or just simply sitting around letting the sun grace their slowly maturing features

but what ever the children did Mama was always their watching them from the house. Observing their every move like a hawk watching its prey

but today it seemed like Mama decided to observe the pair that usually sat down under the nearest tree to the house

The boy was peacefully playing his mandolin when suddenly the girl showed up upside down beside him

"Isabella!" Leslie chocked out still trying to recover from her tiny jumps scare she didn't intend

"don't scare me" the boy said holding his hand to his heart, feeling his heart beat as Isabella went down the tree

"I'm sorry" Isabella started landing near him "I heard this beautiful music while I was up at the tree, so I had to see"

"did you compose that Leslie?" Isabella continued looking at Leslie eagerly

the boy blushed a little "yes.."

"its a wonderful tune" Isabella complimented "what's it called?"

"I haven't given it a name" Leslie replied

"Its amazing! Play for me again!" Isabella beamed at Leslie looked a bit surprised

"huh?" Leslie looked at her a bit shocked as Isabella nodded for him to play it

Leslie looked at her for a second before going close to her a little and whispering to her

"But don't tell anyone, okay?" Isabella nodded with a smile

Leslie shifted his gaze from her to his mandolin has he prepared to play the tune again

when he started playing Isabella's gaze kept shifting from his face that looked so happy, and his mandolin that he played beautifully

soon she made herself comfortable and leaned against the tree with her knees on her chest, she listened carefully to the tunes he made

butterflies surrounded them as he continued to play the song peacefully

Isabella heard the tune once and ever since then a beautiful friendship bloomed between them. A friendship that was taken away too fast

a few months later it was announced that Leslie was chosen to be part of a family

Isabella cried that night as she watched her only friend leave, as he sent her one last glance before he left her

he had no choice yet it still hurt for him to leave. She needed to move on, yet she still held onto the last thing that he left

his song, the melody that soon became hers, the melody that her children soon inherited

Ray, KIyoko, her two children she loved the most. They both reminded her of herself so much yet so little

Kiyoko for her looks and her ever calming yet bright personality she once had

and Ray for his love of books, and his determination to keep his loved ones safe

expect he succeeded in doing so

the night Ray and her children left will forever be the night she let herself think about Leslie without a heavy heart

the night Kiyoko left to become a mama also scared her deeply knowing she would be taking the same path she took

a dreadful one, filled with sadness and despair. To get attach then be the reason they do not make it out alive

yet Isabella remained strong and held hope that both of her children will somehow manage a way to escape this never ending cycle of life

and that, they will also hold upon the melody of Leslie's

that somehow, that melody would comfort them like it comforted her during her lowest times

she looked at the cliff that was below her with a smile

her children escaped, they still have a chance in the real world

they did it, they did something she never could

she walked away with the ropes on her hands as her hair flowed behind her

she looked at the burning house that she grew up with, she was glad to see it on fire

she knew she failed as a mother, she failed to keep her children safe in her arms

yet, she hoped she hadn't failed raising them to escape

she hoped she had done enough to them so they can survive

she hoped they would get real lives, lives with a real meaning to them, not just for food

all she could do was hope now



hope you enjoyed this chapter

sorry for being gone for so long

I was losing motivation for this book but decided to give it another shot

hope you like this version better

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