This is why you're single

Start from the beginning

The rest of the set up would happen after I picked the kids up. For now my focus was on what I wanted to eat for lunch. I usually pack my lunch but I was running late because Binx and Beast decided to act like they snorted three lines of crack this morning. I would have to DoorDash food which I wasn't looking forward too.

I hate having to spend money on takeout.

Maybe Raven could give me some of her food... she more than likely won't but it's worth a shot. Or maybe it isn't. I don't know.

Rylee's Annoying Ass Mama


Whatever it is,
my answer is no

You didn't even
give me a chance 😔

I don't need to. I
know you're gonna
end up asking me
some stupid shit

No I wasn't 🙄

What do you want,

What did Ashley
pack you ?

Leftovers. Why?

I didn't get a chance
to make me something
this morning and I
thought as your
best friend you should
share because
sharing is caring

See the issue is
that I actually
don't care so I
don't have to
share anything

I hope she poisoned
your food. If I was
your wife I would've
poisoned you

Well thank god
you're not! But
you see, Salem, this
is why you're single.

Im single bc I want
to be 🙄

You keep telling
yourself that now
if you'd excuse me
I have a class to

Screw you!

Ashley wouldn't
like that too much

Ashley would
allow it and
ask to join

You're right... I love
my wife

Raven and Ashley met in College. I actually set the two up because I got tired of them talking about each other to me.

Just tell the girl how you feel and leave me alone!

But anyways after they graduated- well after Raven graduated they got engaged and then Ashley graduated and they got married. I was Raven's best woman and when I say my best friend looked fucking scrumptious in that pants suit I fucking mean it.

If she wasn't annoying as fuck and not my best friend I would've married her myself! But Raven isn't my type to that would never happen.

Two years after they got married they began talking about kids. Ashley decided she would be the one to carry their first child and if they wished to have more Raven would carry that one. They went to planned parenthood and decided on a sperm donor. Thirty eight weeks and three days later Rylee James McKnight was born.

He's an annoying little shit but he's my annoying little shit and I love my godson.

Another twenty minutes went bye and soon enough me and my students were back in the class going over the activity I had planned.

"You have trays and shaving cream on your table- Logan we're not touching anything thing yet- and when I give you the okay you're going to grab a tray- not yet! Okay you're gonna grab a" I made sure everyone had a tray before continuing. "Ok now I'm going to come around and spray some shaving cream on the tray. For the love of god do not touch anything!"

It took me three minutes to get to everyone. That was my workout for today and I hate working out.

We finished the activity and moved on with our day. I didn't leave school til four! School is over at two-fifteen.

I picked up Beast and Binx from daycare, went home, made dinner, and got into bed. Today was tiring.

1241 words

A/n: Yeah I'm a liar majority of these chapters are going to be over 1000 words. I don't even know how I ended up writing this much Salem barely did anything... I guess get used to these long chapters? I honestly don't know

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