Tournament of Ships part 3

Start from the beginning

Laffey began to steam up, getting so pissed off at this disadvantage type of fight where Sara is getting in free hits and she thinks she's the best.

" get your ****ing *** down here you little piece of ****!!!! I'll wipe that ****ing smirk off your ugly *** face!" Laffey began cursing, as the conversation began more and more filled with ************************

While Laffey and Sara were distracted by cursing at each other like Americans do they both got caught in an explosion from Vanguard.

Wichita: " wow did you see that?!" Shaking Princeton in excitement. This battle sure was heart pounding. Everyone was at the edge of their seats.

Princeton: " y-yeah, but I don't know if we should put a stop to it or not..." thinking surly the other team would've called it quits by now.

There was something that snapped in Javelin, as she mustered up all the strength she could and zoom past Vanguard front side of the ship, and quickly evaded her ships sides to where she was in the back of her ship. Unluckily for Vanguard that was her weak spot, since her ship is a very big ship and it takes time to maneuver especially to turn around that quickly.

While Vanguard was turning her ship around, Javelin was going ham on her ass. Trying to attack her Rutgers to render her ship immobile. Knowing that's the only way she'd have a chance at beating her, and she'd have to sink her from behind. Luckily the other backline and frontline ships were distracted with their own separate ships they wanted to fight so they couldn't cover Vanguard.

" argh! Bloody hell!" Vanguard said, loosing one of her rudders.

Her main guns couldn't position themselves to cover behind her ship, and Vanguards ship was turning too slowly especially compared to such a fast moving ship like Javelin herself. Ships were amazed that a ship like Javelin was beating Vanguard.

Vanguard couldn't stand that Javelin was showing her up, even though Vanguard was way ahead of Javelin in dealing damage. Vanguard had lost her temper, by the time Vanguard got her guns in position and ready to fire at Javelin, Javelin was gone from that spot. So, Vanguard began to fire her guns when they weren't ready to fire. One of the shots clipped Javelins leg, and made her trip. However, Vanguard did more damage to her ship, as her own attack inflicted her with massive damage internally. The instant fire damaged her main salvo guns and took out 3 out of 4 of her salvo guns. Due to the fact that she kept firing and it wasn't timed good so... you can imagine a cannon ball filled with gun powder blasting into another cannon ball filled with gun powder in the same slot close ranged. Hardly any distance.

In the end Vanguard ended up taking herself out.

Kongou fired her salvo, directly hitting Ayanami on her back. Causing her to fall to the ground. Even though this was great for Jintsuu's team, Jintsuu was not happy.

" why'd you hit her?! I had it!" Jintsuu yelled, furious that Kongou assisted her. Thinking that, this was between her and Ayanami.

Kongou (as you and I would react) said " why are you mad at me for?! I helped you get her!" As Jintsuu pushed Kongou back and said " I didn't need your help!" As Kongou shoved Jintsuu back saying " oh yeah, you were doing so great taking her down" sarcastically. Causing Jintsuu to attack Kongou.

" woah what's going on down there?" Wichita said, seeing Jintsuu attack one of her own team mates. Kongou wasn't gonna take this attack lightly, and attacked Jintsuu back in retaliation.

Ayanami struggled to stand back on her feet but saw Kongou and Jintsuu fighting. She saw Jintsuu take out Kongou, and that's when Ayanami unhonorably stabbed Jintsuu in the back with her sword. That's when Ayanami whispered " you don't deserve an honorable fight" than pulled out her sword from Jintsuu's back as Jintsuu fell to the ground.

Ayanami turned to see Z23 and Z1 try to devour each other (meaning a lot of biting). Literally it was so fucking bloody where they were fighting the water ran red in their area.

" oh yeah!" Z1 shouted, getting really high off of feeling of bringing out the monster shark in Z23. As she always wanted to fight Z23 like this. With gloves off, no holding back.

" Z-" before Ayanami could call Z23's name. She was cut off by Saratogas airstrike. Blocking her pathway.

Laffey had badly injured but she didn't give up. Sara was giggling above, as she pointed downwards and kept sending those bombers down.

Already Vanguards 1 attack did a sufficient enough damage to both Laffey and Sara. But it benefited Laffey more so than Sara. As Vanguard ended up damaging Sara's air control and her attacks now became less accurate. For Laffey, her entire left side of her ship was unoperational. But Laffey still could use her right side anti air so...

Laffey had enough of this, she decided the only way to take down Sara would be to go after her girlfriend Z1 because if she did this than she'd definitely have to bring herself down from the air because she definitely won't snoop as low as Vanguard and send an air strike down upon her girlfriend. So, Laffey started to sail towards where Z23 and Z1 was fighting. Interrupting their single fight by firing at Z1.

Z1 turned her attention to Laffey and started to attack her, but Z23 had Laffey's back grabbing onto Z1 from behind to restrain her. But that's when Sara arrived firing from her main guns (one of the few aircraft carriers that have an ability/got them) causing Z23 to let go of Z1 freeing her as Laffey and Z23 stood on one side of the battle field and Sara and Z1 stood on the other.

But that's when Ayanami and Javelin arrived on the scene. Both of them more bruised and battered than the rest but we're ready to fight/assist.

In the end, Javelin's team won.

But they were in the infirmary for 2 months. Although the Elders were very impressed and told them that when they got out that they'd be going on an (ADVANCED) mission. ;)

--- this is the end of the tournaments chapters ;)--- I hope you enjoyed them! I am so happy and grateful for the suggestion of writing them and hope that this is what you also imagined it to be and if not :( I'm sorry! I tried! D:

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