"If you keep runnin' your piehole," Roman actually jumped when he heard Hobbs behind him. "You're gonna smell an ass-kicking." Hobbs stated.

"All right, Hobbs," Those were the first words that Ravenna heard from Dom. He didn't even acknowledge them when they entered. "You got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you. Give them a reason to stay." Dom ordered.

Ravenna looked over at Hobbs before moving away from the weapons table. She approached the other table, seeing the file and the maps across it. Ravenna was very curious to find out how Letty was still alive after all these years.

Hobbs looked at the team before beginning the explanation. "Our target is Owen Shaw." The file on Shaw was dropped onto the table. "Former major in the SAS, Spec-ops soldier. He runs the UK's Mobility Division in Kabul and Basra." Hobbs explained.

"Ah damn. That Mobility unit's the truth.' Tej said as he walked away from the computer system. "We're talkin' vehicular warfare. Best in the world." Tej stood next to Ravenna. "Those guys don't mess around." He added.

Ravenna glanced over to Han, seeing Roman asking him a question. Han flipped the bag upside-down to show Roman he finished his snack. She shook her head before looking back at Hobbs.

"For years, they've been running jobs in Europe, but it's their most recent jobs that graduated them to a whole new level. Three targets, highly specific. The program terminal from the ICAM missile..." Ravenna's attention was taken away from Hobbs when Roman leaned towards Tej, asking if he had any change.

"Seriously? You're a millionaire, and you're still tryin' to ask for money?" Tej asked.

Hobbs stopped talking, looking over at Roman and Tej. Tej ultimately gave him the change for the vending machine behind them.

"That's how you stay a millionaire."

Ravenna scoffed. "En olla." She said under her breath. Roman shot her a look, trying to figure out what she just said to him. Ravenna lifted her head up, giving him a smirk. "En olla." Ravenna repeated, this time louder.

Han had to keep his snicker to himself. He looked up at the light above him, trying to stop himself from laughing. In the almost two years he had been with Ravenna, he learned a lot of the slang that the Dominican people used on a daily basis. One being "en olla" which basically translated into "to be broke." And right now, Roman was definitely acting broke.

Han wouldn't be surprised if Roman blew through his millions before Santos and Leo did.

"What the hell does that-"

"Go get your snack." Hobbs interrupted. Roman looked over at him before moving away from the table to go to the venting machine provided for them.

Brian was looking through the file, reading over some of the details. "So what does this all mean?" Brian asked, getting the initial meeting back on track.

"Well, our best guess is that Shaw's crew is building a Nightshade device." Hobbs stated.

Ravenna held up her hand, "Which is?"

"A tech bomb." Agent Riley Hicks stated. "Designed to block an entire military communication grid for 24 hours."

Ravenna lowered her hand back to her side. When she asked the question, she wasn't expecting that type of answer. She looked over at Tej and Han, they both looked just as concerned as her.

"If you blind a soldier for a single second in the middle of a fight, he dies. If you blind a country for 24 hours, the loss of life is unthinkable." Honestly, Ravenna didn't even want to think about what the possibility would be like - it was nightmare fuel. "This could be worth billions to the right buyer." Hobbs added.

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