Chapter four

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Jason felt like going back to his room when Clint and Tony came back with some papers? Jason was really confused now, Clint and Tony gestured to him to follow him to the table and he followed and sat down in one of the chairs. "So, me and Tony have been thinking about giving you these papers because why not since you will be living here for the rest of your life!" Clint said excitedly and gave Jason the papers. Jason read the papers and was completely surprised that they were adoption papers, and they wanted him in their family.

Jason kept staring at the papers then at Clint and Tony that had smiles on their faces, "So, what am I supposed to do about this?" Jason asked aloud. Jason picked up a pen nearby and started to chew on the end a little thinking, he again didn't notice Clint pulling out his phone again and taking a picture. "Well, since you have the pen, you have to sign here, here, and here if you want to be in the family," Tony explained, taking a look at the photo Clint sent him and a smile grew on his face. "Okay...?" Jason said nervously and started signing then handed the papers back to Tony and Clint that took it happily.

"YES! Little Jason is in the avengers family, but he is in my family!" Clint said happily, Tony had a look on his face, "He is also in my family too!" Tony said, Clint waved him off and gave Jason a big tight hug, at first Jason was shocked but then hugged him back melting in the embrace from Clint and then he heard another 'click' from across the room. Jason was annoyed now, Jason pulled away from the hug and turned around to find who had the camera in their hands. His eyes landed on Thor who was confused when the 'click' sound happened.

Jason just sighed and took the camera away from Thor, clicking the off button then setting it down on the counter. Jason pinched the bridge of his nose, "I don't even want to know what is going on, so I am just going outside for a afternoon walk. If anyone wants to come with me I'm fine with it." Jason offered and as he walked over to grab his jacket. "I'll go with you. If you are part of the family then we can have bonding time," Steve said, Jason just nodded and they both started toward the elevator.


They were walking the streets chatting with each other, "Okay, let's play a game called two truths and a lie," Steve said, Jason smiled, "I'll go first. Let's see, I died at 15 years old, I have an abusive adopted father, and I have at least 2 or more hours of sleep." he said, Steve looked like he seen a ghost when he said the first thing that came to mind, "The first one is definitely a lie," Steve said, Jason shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck, "The last one was a lie, because since my brothers disappeared somewhere and were never seen for quite a while," Jason started.

"Bruce or Batman always had me on patrol 24/7 and I never got the chance to rest from all the missions I have been on. I have died actually when I was still Robin. I was in a warehouse and it blew up with me inside by the Joker and then Ra Al Ghul took my body with him and then he revived me in the lazarus pit and I was completely out of my mind until my mind was eventually restored," Jason continued as he took a deep breath, "I wanted to get rid of batman very badly for keeping the Joker alive, a-and..." Jason's voice started to crack at the end of the sentence, there were tears threatening to fall down his face.

"He beat me very bad a-and I...I was s-scared and I didn't know what to do... *sniffle* whenever I kill an innocent person *sniffle* by ac-accident he beats me r-really bad..." Jason was crying now, Steve felt bad for the kid and embraced him, "Shhh, it's okay now, you're away from him. Plus you are going to bed when we get back and you're staying in bed until you feel better okay?" Steve asked, and Jason said a okay then started to head back to the tower.

Jason was trembling the whole time to the point where he looked like he was going to collapse, so Steve picked him up and brought him inside to see that everyone was gone so he brought himself and Jason to the couch and sat down, Jason was trembling badly, "S-Steve?" Jason asked, nervously, "Yeah, kid?" he asked back. "Do you know how the second robin got killed?" he asked that caught Steve off guard. "Didn't the Joker explode the warehouse that he was in?" Steve asked then it hit him, the conservation they had and Jason was the second robin.

"You're the second Robin aren't you Jason?" Steve asked, Jason nodded and was still trembling, "I feel like he will come for me, whenever I see a clowns face on TV or outside I feel like that's him and I need to get away," Jason said, his trembling became less noticeable, "Hey, Jason, I promise myself and the other avengers will promise that the Joker won't come for you I promise," Steve reassured, Jason just nodded and then unexpectedly went to sleep on Steve's chest. He looked cute when he was asleep soundlessly and no one after him.

I am so sorry kid but this has to be taken and sent to the other avengers for a little album they are making, and I can't believe they got me into this. Steve took out his phone and took a quiet snap of Jason sleeping, and sent the photo to the other avengers. He saw the other avengers come in after an hour and motioned them to be quiet because Jason was still sleeping. This made everyone's heart flutter with happiness, "He is so cute right now!" Clint said quietly, the others nodded and even Natasha, "He is doing alright though right?" Bruce asked, Steve thought about it, "Well we played a game two truths and a lie so basically he died at the age of 15, has a abusive adopted father, and hasn't got enough sleep for who knows how long since he was on patrol and missions 24/7," Steve explained.

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