Chapter three

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"Okay, Hulk put him down, I can handle him," Clint said suddenly, everyone turned to look at Clint as Jason struggled out of Hulk's grasp. Hulk put Jason down as Jason walked over to Clint's side, his gaze at the floor. He's probably gonna beat me like Bruce did when I was in trouble! Please, please, don't do this to me Clint please! I will leave if you want me out. Jason was snapped out of his thoughts as people started to talk.

"Jason I want you to meet the other avengers even though you already met them by trying to kill them even though you were probably freaked out where you were since you thought you were being held prisoner if I am correct?" Clint said, Jason just nodded. "Okay, the rest of the avengers will introduce themselves to you and then you will, okay?" Clint asked. Jason gave a quiet 'okay' and then turned his gaze to the avengers.

"My name is Steve Rogers. I am also known as Captain America." The dude with a red, white, and blue shield. "Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow," A red head female said. "I'm Bruce Banner but I am also Hulk." the scientist looking guy said. Jason flinched when he heard the name 'Bruce' but his it quickly, "I'm Iron Man, but my name is Tony Stark," the machine said and revealed a man inside as he stepped out from it. "The others will meet you later," Clint said to Jason.

"So, kid, what's your name?" Steve asked, Jason turned his gaze to Steve and back to the ground, "Jason Todd. I'm Red Hood," Jason said loud enough for them to hear. "What are you good with?" Natasha said as she sat down on the couch, "Um, guns, hand to hand combat, and swords," Jason answered. He turned his gaze to Clint, "Where is my stuff?" he asked. "It's in the infirmary, I'll get it okay?" Jason nodded and Clint left the room, causing silence to be in the room.

Jason was tired. He hadn't slept for a long time, maybe weeks or months since he last slept. He couldn't remember since he was always up and about in Gotham. Jason snapped back his attention to the avengers, "Hey, Jason you okay?" Bruce asked, "Huh? Oh, yea, I'm fine just tired." he said, "When was the last time you slept?" Steve asked, Jason was thinking, he didn't know when he last slept, "Um... I... I don't remember. I was always up and about everyday and night getting rid of some people in Gotham that were trying to do some bad things as usual—" Jason said only for Steve to hear but was cut off by his yawn.

His eyelids felt heavy, Clint came back with Jason's stuff and put them in a guest room that was for Jason when he got here. Clint sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him for Jason to sit down on. Jason obeyed and walked over and sat down on the couch. Now his eyelids were even heavier, "What time is it right now?" Jason asked, "It's only...2pm, why?" Natasha asked, "Just...really tired is all, but I'm fine," Jason replied. A few minutes passed and Jason felt really tired. Everyone said their goodbyes while Jason stayed with Clint, "Jason, are you really tired because you are starting to doze off." Clint said.

"Hm? Yea, just don't remember when I last slept since I was always patrolling at night and doing work in the day," Jason replied tiredly, Clint started to run his fingers through Jason's hair. Jason didn't expect this and started to daze with an adorable tired look on his face, he didn't notice Clint pull out his phone and take a picture, since he was tired and he drifted off to sleep. Clint picked him up and walked to the guest room and laid him down on the bed and walked out to go to bed as well or just wait till someone calls him for help on a mission.

In the afternoon at 1:32pm

Jason woke up, with a little cute yawn when he heard a 'click' and sat up. He saw Clint with a nervous look on his face with his phone in his hands besides Natasha, Steve, Bruce, Tony, and another guy he didn't recognize. That's when he pulled the covers over him and tried to go back to sleep, "C'mon kid, it isn't the first picture we took of you!" Steve said, and Jason pulled the covers off of him and looked at Steve with a confused look, "What do you mean it's not the first picture you took of me?" Jason asked. Clint looked even nervous, someone was about to say something when they were interrupted by Jason.

"Hold up, don't say anything I think I know who took the first picture of me," Jason said looking at Clint, "It's not what you think Jason, I only did it because it looked adorable and cute!" Clint defended putting his hands on his hips. Jason just sighed and pulled the covers along with him, "Jason we forgot to introduce you to Thor—" Bruce started but was interrupted, "You know what I am going to get changed then I will meet him properly instead of this awkwardness!" Jason said as he headed to the bathroom while everyone else filed out of the room and into the living room. "So, this is the kid that you took, Clint?" Thor asked, Clint looked offended, "I didn't take him! I simply let him have a place to live since he had bruises and cuts along is body that looked like he was abused," Clint said and Steve gave him a look to himself that said, 'Kid you have no idea what you got yourself into' then Jason walked out of his room, "Okay now that I'm actually dressed, tell me who this 'Thor' is," Jason said. Thor stepped forward, "That would be me, child. I am Thor, lord of thunder!" he said, almost shouting. Jason felt like covering his ears from the loudness of this 'Thor' but his language was kinda funny.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jason aka Red Hood." Jason introduced himself, "Ah, yes, I have heard of you, did a good number of getting rid of baddies in crime alley!" he said again, almost shouting. Jason nodded. He felt happy that people were praising his work, "I'm going back to bed," he said turning around, "You're going back to bed now? It's afternoon!" Clint said, Jason sighed, "Fine, I won't go to bed." Jason finally said, Clint looked like he wanted to jump up and down then he walked out of the room with Tony. Jason gave the others a look, and Steve was the only one to give him a look that said: Jason-you-have-no-idea-what-you-got-into kind of look.

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