Part 18

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"Eomer, why did you bring me in here? It is full of your families precious jewels and crowns!" I exclaimed as he slowly let go of my hand.

"You are to be my wife, Daedra. Soon these jewels will belong to you. I brought you here because it is tradition for the future Queen to pick out a tiara to wear upon her head at the wedding. As you can see, you have several to pick from." Eomer sweetly said to me as he walked with me around the room, my face awestruck at the beauty of each and every tiara.

I gravitated rather quickly to a tiara that was black, lined with red jewels throughout. (Pictured above) I thought it fitting as it would match my dress rather perfectly. I gently picked it up, turning it in the little light coming through the room, the gems within sparkling as each ray of light hit it. Eomer wrapped an arm around my waist and took the tiara from my hands as he turned to face me.

"Shall we place it upon that gorgeous head of yours?" Eomer asked me with a smile, his eyes sparkling with desire and love.

"If you so wish to, my king." I said as I bowed my head, hearing a slight chuckle from him as he placed it perfectly atop my head.

"You know, that tiara belonged to my mother, and I cannot think of any better way to honor her than it to be upon your head as you say I do."

"Eomer, I'm sorry I didn't know it was your mothers. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"I am far from upset, love. I am happy you chose it."

Eomer cupped my face in his hands, placing a passionate kiss upon my lips, my body relaxing into his every touch and movement of his lips against mine. I melted into him, my arms going to quickly snake around his neck as his hands moved from my face to my waist, pulling me ever closer to his body.

"I see you have chosen a tiara to wear at the wedding." I heard Theoden say from the doorway, causing Eomer and I to break apart and turn to him.

"Yes, my King. I found it the most gorgeous one in the gallery." I answered him with a smile, Eomer grabbing my hand as he looked down at me, his love filled smile spreading across his lips as he placed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"A gorgeous tiara for a gorgeous girl. And please, I am Theoden to you. Now, come! We have much to discuss about the wedding."

"Uncle, what more could we possible discuss? Daedra has the dress, the flowers are all picked out, the wedding party picked, and even the venue. What else are we missing?" Eomer said with a soft chuckle, pulling the tiara off of my head and placing it back on its stand as we fell into step behind Theoden, our fingers intertwined with one another's.

"The rings, my dear nephew! Did you even consider the rings?"

Out of all of the things we could have forgotten, of course it would be one of the most vital parts. As Theoden stopped walking, I looked to Eomer with nervousness plastered across my face, awaiting his reply to his uncle. The look in his eyes also conveyed utter nervousness, and disappointment in himself for not even considering the rings. I opened my mouth in question, but was instead cut off by Theoden.

"Relax, you two. I have a plan for the rings, that is why I haven't bothered to bring it up until now." Theoden said with a shake of his head.

I turned from looking into Eomer's eyes to where Theoden was standing. On a small pillow there were three rings, a direct line of sunlight hitting them perfectly from the small window above. Almost as if the heavens had blessed these rings specifically. Theoden's face conveyed sorrow, and yet he was smiling down at them. These rings must have been of some significance.

"Uncle, I cannot accept these." Eomer said softly as he let go of my hand and stepped closer to Theoden.

"Of course you can, my boy. They were meant to be passed on to Theodred when he found a wife, but seeing as he has passed on, I wish to bestow them upon you and your bride. You will be the King, it is only right that you wear the wedding rings of the first King and Queen of Rohan." Theoden said as he clasped Eomer on the shoulder, his eyes glassed over with tears.

"You have no idea how much this means to me, Uncle. I don't know what to say, or how to show my gratitude."

"A thank you should suffice."

Theoden and Eomer laughed softly together before Theoden picked up the rings, placing them in a small box and handing them to Eomer.

"Thank you." Eomer said as his own eyes began to fill with tears.

"Now, go put that engagement ring on your bride! I think she deserves more than just the necklace at this point, don't you?" Theoden said with a smile, ushering Eomer back towards me.

Eomer looked deeply into my eyes, a smile broadly across his face as he lifted my left hand and slipped the most beautiful ring I have ever seen upon my finger. It was silver, a round diamond in the middle, rubies encircled around it. It wasn't overly large, but not exactly small either. The ring fit my finger perfectly, almost as if it was made specifically for me. As Eomer let go of my hand, I looked into his eyes, not realizing that tears had begun to flow down my face. I felt his thumb brush across my cheeks, wiping away the tears, a smile slowly creeping across my lips. The pure joy that flowed through my body wasn't something that was easy to explain or something I have ever felt before in my entire life. From the moment I saw this man he held the entirety of my heart within his hands.

"I love you, Eomer." I said to him softly, his hands still placed on the sides of my face.

"And I love you." Eomer responded, leaning down and kissing me softly.

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