Chapter 2

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Jungkook Point of View 

I am Jungkook and I am 20 years old. I have been for 100 years. I will tell you about my mates and myself before I explain the situation I am in and how I got there.

I am a happy, cute bunny boy who loves kisses and cuddles. I met my mates when I was 17 years old at a basketball game I was playing in. I asked to be turned when I turned 20 years old. I wanted to make sure I understood everything about vampires and made sure I could handle everything. I eventually got told that some vampires can have powers which my mates do. 

Jin is a healer and can be very powerful. As he is the oldest we rely on him a lot as well as Namjoon as he takes the leader role. Jin has the power of knowing where his mates are. Playing hide and seek Jin can never be seeker as he will know where we all are and that would be cheating. 

Yoongi can turn into a cat. I found out about his power because I woke up to a white cat curled up on my chest one day and had a heart attack. I forgave Yoongi quickly because his cat form is extremely cute. Jhope's power is being able to know the truth. If someone is lying he will know so is basically a living lie detector. 

Namjoon is able to know people's thoughts. It can be a good power but it can be hard as you can hear everyone's thoughts and it can be overwhelming. I was close to Namjoon at the beginning as I was scared to say the wrong things so every thought I had Namjoon comforted me but also told the others when he xould read my thoughts.

Jimin's power is feeling emotions from his mates but also close friends and sometimes the people around him. It can be a good power but I notice Jimin sometimes struggles with his power. Taehyung's power is a shield. If we are under attack or one of his mates is feeling uneasy or needs comfort then he can use his power to help protect them. 

Everyone was wondering what power I would have but I ended up having two. I can become a cat just like Yoongi. I also have the power of mind compulsion which I think is the best or one of the best powers there is. Mind compulsion is a rare power among vampires so needs to be on the downlow as there will be vampires that will try and get the vampire with the mind compulsion to use them for their want.

I have been told that my cat form is like being a werewolf in a way as I will act like a cat in the form. I will have another personality but for my cat form. I will still be me and understand everything that is going on but won't be able to respond. I have been a vampire for 100 years now and it's great not getting older. I will get more mature and look more mature but I won't get old and wrinkly.

The situation I am currently in is because I was in the house myself as some of my mates left to go hunting, two went to get food shopping and the other I don't know where they were. I got nervous so I turned into my cat form. I heard someone trying to get in which scared the crap out of me and I left out of the window and ran. 

I originally ran out to find my mates but realised I went too far as I was in the city. My cat took over and I didn't know how to get back so I spent 2 weeks on the streets hunting mice and rats draining their blood as I still need to have an intake of blood to stay sane. As I am in my cat form I only need a little blood to stay sane which is good.

I got lifted up by someone who took care of me and I was passed onto another person who they knew as they are good friends and work together. Now I live with a man in his early 30's who is a teacher and he takes me to his class. As the story goes on it will mention how I am able to go with him to work. 

I have been away from my mates for just under 4 years and I think I have become an unbonded vampire. When I got the chance I turned and still had my mating marks but I don't know if I still do. I have a feeling they have given up and are living their life together. Without me. I think about them all the time and dream about seeing them, what they could be doing as well as being in their arms. I have a good life here but I will eventually need to leave as I won't die because I'm a vampire so my cat form won't either. I pray that my mates haven't stopped looking and I will see them soon. 

Jin did mention what it could be like if a vampire mate is away from their mates for a while and I know it's happening to me. I remember what they look like but it could take me a while to register that I see them if I ever do again. I do remember Jin saying that by touching your mate you can ignite that spark again and it will ignite knowing that your mate is there. For all I know they could have left the forest outside of Seoul to move somewhere else and start fresh. If they did I would be crushed.

Enjoy my journey of meeting my mates, losing them, living without them and possibly reuniting with them.

Author Note - Mainly in Jungkook's Point Of View

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