Goodbye Ninjago, Hello Never Realm

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A few weeks later..........

Lloyd's povs

Now that I have recovered from my capture I was allowed to go on missions again. It felt good fighting for the greater good again. There have been some crimes over the past few days, nothing too mega. I am outside training right now. I trained for an hour, then took a break."Hey Lloyd, we got another mission. It's kind of a big one" Said Nya."Hit me." I told her."We have to go to the never realm." She told me."What for?" I asked."Wu had a vision. Vex is back." She said."Oh brother. What is he up to?" I asked."We don't know." She said."Hey guys what's going on?" SHe asked."Rumi I am going to the never realm." I told her."How come?" She asked."Vex." I replied."Who?" She asked."Let's just say he is not a friend." I told her."Harumi you can come along." Nya said."We better get to it. And how are we going to get there? I heard it's really hard to get to." Harumi said."Aspera's staff. When she got locked up, the police let us have it for safe keeping." Nya replied."And travelers tea." I added. After some explaining to the others me and the other ninja plus Harumi said our goodbyes and headed towards the portal to the never realm. I was the last one to enter the portal and when I did, a wolf attacked me..........with licks? 

 then reconze the wolf."Akita!" I said. Akita then transformed back when she got off me. Me and Akita hugged."It's good to see you Lloyd." She said."It's good to see you too." I said."Yeah, I almost missed you talking about your life. And I said ALMOST." She teased. I laughed."Lloyd it seems like you two know each other very well." Said Harumi."Oh, sorry. Akita this is Harumi my girlfriend. Harumi this is Akita." I said."I don't mean to be rude but didn't she betray you?' Akita whispered."It's a long story." I said."Are you going to make it boring in every little detail?"She asked rolling her eyes."Come on. There are rooms that are empty. You can stay there." She told us. After Akita showed us the rooms we all sat down with Akita and her brother Kataru and Sorla talked about Vex."So Akita, I heard Vex is back. What is he up to?" I asked. She sighed."Yes he is. He and a socsor. He is a ghost." Explained Kataru."Wait this ghost didn't happen to have black hair tied in a bun and is about this tall and is mega creepy?" Asked Jay.

"That's him. Yes." Said Kataru."You know him?" He asked."Yep." Said Cole."Let's worry about that later. You all should get some rest." Sorla told us. We all nodded." We all headed to our rooms. Rumi and I share a room together. Rumi looked like something was bothering her."Rumi are you OK?" I asked."I just feel bad for all the pain I had caused you, Lloyd." She told me."Rumi, that's in the past. I love you. And I promise I am not going anywhere." I told her."Thank you. You are the best boyfriend. How did I even deserve you?" She asked."Nah, how did I ever deserve you?" I corrected."We both kissed. "Good night Rumi." I said when we broke the kiss."Good night Lloyd. I wonder what clouse and Vex were up to.

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