23 || The First Time

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It's the first time I feel this way
It's the first time you made me feel this way
I never thought it'll go deeper
I never thought it'll be your name I'll whisper

I've never been a believer
But it petrifies me whenever you linger on my mind
And how the butterflies dance around my stomach whenever you're nearer
A warmth that seems to reach my heart I wanted to hide

How come you were a stranger
But now the one who dazed my mind
It's scary how you make me wonder
Because a thousand questions would spread to me so wild

But it cuts knowing the truth
It bleeds seeing that it can't
Because you're the whole sky
You're to high that I can't seem to reach

The Celestial And The EntityNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ