Chapter 16 - The "Calm" before the Storm

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Colonel O'Neill and Captain Bundy stand next to the radio operator in Fort Carter's command bunker. Several other members of the operations team stand behind the two officers. They all listen to the radio.

The radio operator leans forward as she says, "Captain Carter, repeat your last message. You are breaking up."

"...Sorry. Uniform Charlie taken ... hits. Engine smok ... out of missiles. Major force ... Oscar Deuce Two running interfer ... attract fire. Estimated ... ten minutes."

"Please repeat ETA." The operator waits, then says, "sorry, Colonel, she's not responding.

O'Neill orders, "I want full alert. Everything up and ready for action."

As the new air raid siren sounds Bundy runs out of the bunker and heads to the observation post.

Shortly after O'Neill had arrived at Fort Carter aboard Uniform Charlie One, Captain Teemurin had come to him with possibly bad news.

"Your 'eye in the sky' airship on the western front reports that a hostile group appears to have refused to obey the surrender orders and broken away. The latest report was that they were moving to the south-south-west."

O'Neill had one of the lieutenants contact aircrew maintenance chief.

"Yes, Colonel?"

"Sergeant Santos, what's the status on Oscar Deuce Two and Uniform Charlie One? How soon can you get them ready for flight?"

"We're in the middle of repairs. I can get them back up in forty minutes or so, assuming we don't uncover anything serious. Hour-and-a-half would be better."

"We may not be able to wait even forty minutes. Do what you can to get them ready ASAP. We need to get them up."

"Yes, Sir."

Thirty minutes later the crew chief informed the colonel that the two aircraft were flyable. O'Neill had Captain Carter go up with Uniform Charlie and Siler go up with Oscar Deuce Two. O'Neill and the command staff listened in as the two aircraft were directed to the last known location of the small breakaway group.

The first report from Captain Carter was that she had a visual on the small group. The next report was that she was going to attempt to communicate with them to learn their intentions. They heard nothing until that last broken report.

"Still nothing on the radar?"

"No, Sir. Even in its new position there are still a lot of hills on to the east and northeast that create a nice-sized blind spot."

While O'Neill had been busy fighting with the fleet, Captain Bundy had taken advantage of the presence of a supply airship and had it lift the radar to the top of a nearby hill. That not only extended its range out over the river, but it also provided coverage among the hills behind the base. Unfortunately, the higher hills to the east and northeast created a sizeable blind spot.

O'Neill turns to the Sanctuum captain. "What's the latest news from the fronts?"

Captain Teemurin shakes his head as he points to a map on the table in front of them. "It's mixed. The attack on the eastern front has stalled. Neither side has been able to strike a decisive blow. The good news there is that this may have ruined their invasion plans. Without sufficient air support their troop carriers would be ripped to shreds. And even if they are able to land troops, without sufficient air support they will undoubtedly be slaughtered by our close-in defenses. The latest report states that the battle there has turned into a hard slug fest."

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