Some things were still in a few boxes which included pots, pans and glass bowls. Others were small knickknacks, bedding and small lamps. Since it grew to be in the later hours, you figured to gift the rest of the tenants some peace even though they were pretty free about making their own ruckus. In fear of making too much noise, hearing an unexpected knock on the door made you jump in place. Maybe it was the landlord.

Upon opening the door, you were immediately taken aback by an insanely tall statured man. By the suit he wore and the patch on his chest, he worked for the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. He shifted a bit in place, some papers in hand.

''Hi, can I help you?'' You ask, a small polite smile curving your lips as you very much looked up at him. You noticed he had green eyes, was stoic and his gaze was intent. He must have really loved this job, whatever that he did anyways.

''I have this months trash pickup schedule for you. '' He says, a very distinct New York accent twirling his words. His voice is a deep rich baritone and he flashes you a small smile to show he was kind. He hands you the schedule which you take and briefly look over.

''Oh, thank you very much. Do these schedules usually come this late?'' You'd ask, feeling like you'd have to make some sort of schedule around getting them. He shakes his head and his thick brows flicked up as he may have been recalling some sort of story. You guessed for your sake and time on the clock, he had to condense it.

''No. The guy that I'm workin' with is a bit 'in his own world' so to speak. Guy thought we had to set these out at eight at night rather than eight in the morning.'' He'd explain and then momentarily flicked his wrist to check the time. You took that as a sign you were holding him up. You started to take a small step back into your apartment about to gift him your thanks until he speaks up again.

''Are you new to Brooklyn? You don't sound like you're from around here and then again, not many people do, so..''

''Yeah, I am. New, I mean-'' You nodded with a light smile. ''I just actually moved here from Minnesota and got settled in today. Now that I got this trash pick up thing, maybe I can start getting into some sort of routine.'' You snickered and earned a small smile from the worker.

''Well, I hope you like it here. It ain't all shiny bells and whistles but it's got character.''

If he meant a lot of the odd panhandlers and corner folk outside on the main streets as character, it sure does.

''Yeah.'' You laughed lightly. ''Character is definitely the word to use. Thank you, um--''

''Peter.'' He introduces and he takes his large hand out for you to shake. You accept the gesture, your small hand swallowed by his very gentle touch. ''What's your name, sweetheart?''

''Y/n.'' You blush and beam. ''It's nice to meet you, Peter. Thank you.''

''Of course. Have a good night now, Y/n.'' Peter takes a small step back with a polite smile, creating some distance to end your conversation. You wondered if you did that 'Midwestern goodbye' to him as you slinked into your apartment.

''You too, Peter.'' You wave before shutting the door with a small click. You could hear the thump of his work boots echo further and further away, cleaning up the mess his work partner made by the misread.

You'd put the schedule on the front of your fridge, held by a magnet and for a moment you really had to process all the different colors, almost looked chaotic. Regular trash, Tuesdays and Thursdays every other week. Monday and Wednesday for the first and last week of each month. Wednesdays were also recyclable days.

CAPTURED BEAUTY (Peter Steele x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now