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"Dainsleif..?" you whispered in shock. Your eyes were wide, your throat try and a dizzy feeling took over your head. 'What was he doing here..? He- He left me to die..'

"Y/n- I can explain please-" He hastly said, you covered up your Ears.

"Sh-shut up. I don't even want to hear your excuse-" You harshly spat in his face. He was taken aback, you took this opertunity and launched yourself into the air. You flew towards the Castle, hiding in a hiden corner. 








"Hey Catalyn would you mind telling Y/n to come down?" Your father said to your sister. Your Sister nodded cheerfully and ran upstairs, "Y/NNN!!! Happy Birthday!!! Wakeu up Wake up WAKE UPPP" She screamed, umping onto your bed and shaking you by your shoulders. "Catalyn let me sleep- stop it! Fine I'm up jeez" You shushed her, sitting up. "Happy Birthday best sister alive!!" Catalyn said again. Your heart warmed up. "Alright Alright, thank you Sweetie, go tell Dad i'll be down in 5 Minutes alright?" The younger girl nodded cheerful and left your Room. You quickly got dressed in your Uniform, grabbing your Alchemist Pin to decorate your chest. Fixing your hair and putting it into an Half-up half-down frisure you grab a bow to secure the bun. Quickly you run downstairs to be greeted by a plate of your favourite pancakes and a small gift. "Happy birthday my Daughter" Your father said as he hugged you. "sit down and eat, it took a lot to make these. The first Portion burned." He sweatdropped. "Thank you Dad!!" You answered as you began eating. "Soo will any of your friends come over?" Your dad asked as he cleaned the Kitchen. "Uhmmm I'm not sure. Probably only the twins and Dain when I'm finished with work." You said between your bites. "Hun open the gift!" Your Father said. Grabbing the soft package with care you untangled the bow and opened the gift. It was a hairpin, a hairpin with the Khaenri'ahn flower. It was your mothers. "Dad are you- are you sure you want to gift me this?" You asked with tears in your eyes. He just nodded with a sad smile. "Thanks dad, this means a lot to me..!" You sobbed.

You got ready to leave for work, clipping the Hairpin carefully under your bun. Looking in the mirror you smiled at yourself and left the house. On your way to work you admired the People of Khaenri'ah working together with the Field Tillers, the children leaving the house for school and flowers blooming along the road. as you arrived work Kamila greeted you as you entered the Lab. "Morning Y/n! Happy 24 Birthday!!" she smiled. You thanked her and went to the back to start Crafting. Since a few Months you got the task to create Human life from the Royalty. and after Months of work you where nearly done. 

4 hours later~

'Adding a little bit more blood and..!' a yellow cloud poofed into your face, you crossed your finger, and hoped it worked. You pulled out an Orb, after some seconds the fog cloud resolved and a little human being was able to be recognized. You squealed in joy. Putting the or into a glass with water. "Kamila!! I did it! After Months i did it!" You cheered. she applauded you and offered to take your shift so you could bring it to the Castle. Making your way to the Palace, upon arriving there the Guards Questioned you, but you showed them your alchemist Pin and they let you in. "Excuse me Miss, are you in need of something?" a servant asked you "Actually I have to talk to our Highness! I completet their mission of creating human Life" You sated as you showed off the glass box. The Servant stared in shock at the Yellow Orb swimming in the water. He lead you the way inside. "Your Highness, Miss L/n is here, she completed her task of creating Human life." He explained. The Queen congratulated you as the King demanded to see the endproduct. Proudly you went up and handed him the Box while bowing down. "Your Highness, after Months of work I am done with your Task which i was glad to be given. The orb will have to remain in the water till it plops, then the human can be taken care of like a little child." You explained. The King smiled at you, putting the box aside he stood up and grabbed a medal - hanging it around your neck. "You Y/n L/n shall be known as the Chief Alchemist of Khaenri'ah, your hard work will be paid off with lots of money and honoring during a ceremony, you who managed to create human life." The King said, to which the Queen nodded. With tears of happiness you thanked them and ran back home. 

"DAD!!!" You laughed as you hugged him tightly "The King promoted me- I-I am the Chief alchemist of Khaenri'ah!! I-I did it! I created Human life!" Your father looket at you in disbelied as tears of joy sprang into his eyes. "I'm so proud of you Daughter!" He cried into your Shoulder. "We shall Celebrate this, shouldn't we Chief Alchemist?" He said in a joking manner. 

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 || Dainsleif x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now