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1 week later.

"Hello Lumine! And Paimon! I hope you all are prepared for the Trip~?" You asked in a singsong Voice, you were really excited - it'd be the first time you'd leave on an official Adventure. "I took tons of things with me - bandaids, potions, food-" "FOOD?!" Paimon yelled interrupting you. You smiled as you nodded, the Maskots eyes were glistening in awe. Lumine just laughed nervously and decided it was time to leave. 

You three were heading towards the City gate as something bumped into you. You looked down to see YaoYao and Qiqi - greeting them as you did. "N/n are you leaving already?" Qiqi asked - you kneeled down and hugged her. "Yes I am Qiqi, please look out after you and Baizhu alright? Make sure he doesn't overwork himself." The Zombie nodded and left with the cheery girl. Sniffling you walked back to Lumine and continued your Journey.




After a long walk you three reached the Gate to the huge mine. The Guards asked you all some Questions as why you're here, but Lumine told them everything and they let you pass. "Wow this place surely is awesome" You hummed. Lumine agreed and started Looking for the Guy who set up the comission. 

"Yes I am the one who set up the comission, we are very concerned about the fact that Hillichurls enter the depths of the Mine but never return. A few adventurers heard weird rattling noises as they where down the Chasm, so for now we evacuated the Mines - leaving only our best Miners down there." He stated. 'Hillichurls dissapearing?? Maybe they are waiting for their last moments to come, with time they start hating the sunlight..' You were deep in thought.

"Miss you seem to be thinking about something, do you know anything about the situation?" The male asked. "Sadly I don't, but maybe there is something down there?" you lied through your teeth. You hated lying - but in situations like these you had to. 

You felt oddly ease at this place - somewhat in peace, the curse here seems so calm. This place felt somewhat like.. Home? No. It can't be, maybe there IS a cure for this curse? Maybe it is possible. But after 500 years of searching, why should I find one now? You had to get to the ground of this experience. 

"Alright shall we head off now or not?" You asked the female. she approved and the Trio started the way down into the depths. "Hey Y/n how come you know so much about Khaenri'ah? Paimon noticed you become oddly quite and tensed when we talk about it" Paimon asked.

'Oh shoot, what do I say now??' you became nervous, your palms started sweating as you tried to find an excuse. "My- uh My Father told me about it-?" This sounded more like a Question than an answer. Lumine eyed at you suspicously, that wasn't your best lie - you had to admit, but she shrugged it off. 

"Woaahhh look at the rock formations! Paimon has never seen something like this before!" The little Girl has been talking non-stop and it slowly got on your nerves. After an hald an hour walk you reached your destination, the entrance of the mine. Now you just need to find a way down, you all decided to split up and talk to some of the people here, you walked towards an young woman. "Excuse me Miss, do you know any way to get down into the depths of the chasm?" you asked

"OH! Yes ofcourse I do!! My name is Zhiqiong! Nice to meet you!" She greeted happily. You two chatted more and got known to eachother. Lumine and Paimon came into your direction. "Who is this Y/n?" Lumine asked. "Oh my name is Zhiqiong - your friend told me about your plan! Ofcourse i can take you down there! Follow me" She stated as she started to walk off. The three of you followed her to a huge crane. "alright everyone please step onto this plantform!" She mentioned to the lift a few metres infront of you. "ALRIGHT LET THE LIFT DOWN!!" She yelled and quickly ran to you and the others. The ground started to tremble and the platform started to move downwards. The air started to change, it became heavier and the temperature started to become colder. A shiver ran down your spine as you reached the end, a small camp was down there - but it went way der than that. From afar you were able to see a few Treasure Hoarder camps. 

"thanks for taking us down here! But I think we can continue from alone here!" You thanked. She smiled warmly at you, and hell she was beautiful. You started to blush slighty coughing and hiding your face. "A-alright lets go Lumine, Paimon" You excused and began walking the stairs down. "Shall I clean out some treasure hoarder camps while you two try to find a way to get further in?" You offered. LUmine nodded and said bye as you two parted ways. 

𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 || Dainsleif x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant