Attack #2

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While I was walking to my locker room, someone pulled me into a room. "Hello!" I yelled. No one answered, but then I was put over a shoulder. I could tell we were in the ring because of the fans. Who ever had me took what they had over my eyes off, and my arms and legs were tied too. I then looked up to Randy Orton. "Stephanie. Hunter. Did you think I wouldn't come after her after last time?" He asked. The Authority came out, and my father had an angry look on his face. "Let her go! I will give you the WWE title." My father said. "No!" I screamed very loud, and that made everyone look at me. "What was that sweetie?" Randy asked using sweetie to make my mom upset. "I will not let them do that. I would rather take as many RKO's you can give me then have another horrible champion. I mean Seth isn't a bad guy, he is a horrible champion." When I was finished, Randy was shocked at what I said. "Come on. You wouldn't just let me RKO you, would you?" He asked, and then he put the mic up to my face again. "Yes I've been through a lot worse." I said. Randy the got me to stand up and RKO'ed me.
-Stephanie's P.O.V-
I stood there in shock because I never thought Olivia would do something that stupid. I thought about what I said to Olivia, and I keep thinking someone is going to take advantage of her. Sadly that person is Randy Orton, and then I hear Lita's theme song come on. "You think you are smarter than Olivia, Randy? Well you're wrong." Lita says walking out with a lot of different Hall Of Famers/Legends. "Olivia may seem innocent to you, but she's not." When Lita says that Olivia stands up, and Randy looks shocked.
-Olivia's P.O.V-
I was happy when I heard Lita's theme song come on, and the look on everyone's fsce when I stood up was priceless. Then the lights went off in the whole arena, so no one could see what we are doing. When the lights turn back on my Uncle Mark and my Uncle Glenn a.k.a Kane are standing in the ring with me. By this time I am untied, ad ready to fight because I've had only a few matches. My mom had a shocked look on her face, but I needed to remember our plan. Uncle Mark and Unlce Glenn get Randy to look up at them while I set up for a high-flying move. While I am setting up Sting's theme song comes on, and I pay attention to him. Next thing I know he pulls my leg out from under me, and I land ringside face first.
-Stephanie's P.O.V-
When I see Sting go after Olivia, I know she is going to get hurt. Sting then pulls her leg out from under her and she falls ringside. I start to cry as other superstars / divas attacking Olivia, and some are helping Randy out in the ring. I run to Olivia's aid, and try to get people off of her. Then someone hits me very hard with something.
-Triple H's P.O.V-
When I see Stephanie run to Olivia's aid I just stand still, until I see Sting hit Stephanie in the head with his baseball bat. I run and start attacking Sting, and then I knock him out. When I look back at Stephanie and Olivia they are being put on a stretcher. Stephanie isn't hurt as bad as Olivia so she doesn't need to go to the hospital. Stephanie wakes up when they are taking her backstage, and then she starts freaking out because she couldn't find Olivia.
-Stephanie's P.O.V-
When I wake up I couldn'tfind Olivia, and I start to freak out until they tell me she is heading to the hospital. They tell me I have to see the doctor before I can go see Olivia. The doctor tells me I am fine, but I should take it easy for a while. So that is when Paul and I start to the hospital.
-Lita's P.O.V-
I am riding in the ambulance with Olivia because Paul was with Stephanie. Paul told me he would drive Stephanie to the hospital, and then while I was thinking my phone vibrated because Jeff started texting me.
J= Jeff
L= Lita
J- How is she?
L- I don't know.
J- How come you don't?
L- She hasn't woke up yet.
J- What hospital are you going to?
L- Local hospital, sorry I don't know the nane.
J- It's okay, I'll find out
L- Okay.
I know he is worried about Olivia we all are, but mostly him. Olivia helped him go to a rehabilitation place because she didn't want him dying when she was younger. At that thought I grabbed her hand, squeezed it, and then started to cry.
-Ryan's P.O.V-
When I heard Olivia had to be taken to the hospital I started to cry. I should have known something bad was going to happen to Olivia. I wish I was able to stop it from happening. Almost everything bad happened to Olivia, and it was most likely my fault. This was my fault, and I could have stopped it.
-Triple H's P.O.V-
In the car I couldn't help, but cry because if it wasn't for Stephanie and I noneof this would have happened. I am glad that Lita went with Olivia because I don't think I could have handled it as well as she did.
-Jeff's P.O.V-
"Matt we need to go see her!" I yelled because Olivia is my best friend, and I want to know how bad she is hurt. "I know Jeff. If Lita would give you the nameof the hospital we could go." He said. At this point I was hating that Lita didn't know the name of the hospital they were going to.
-Shawn's P.O.V-
I couldn't belive what Randy did to Olivia, and it was a good thing I was with WWE at the moment. I don't think I could have stayed home and watched it on the tv back home in Texas. I sm driving my daughter snd and Olivia's friend Ryan to the hospital. I can tell by the look on his face he thinks this is all his fault.

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