Chapter 8 [Edited]

Start from the beginning


Clockbot: *sweatdropped*

Ochobot: *facepalmed* haih, author what kind a joke you just made?

Me: Don't know *shugged her shoulder*

I know my joke not funny, I trying okey (keyword: TRYING) :')


"Ohh, about them we just suddenly meet them and we talk about Boboiboy will fight Reverse " said Ying

"I'm so excited about his fight also when you use it in this battle" said Clockbot and make everyone raised their eyebrow, what he mean by it

"Ah, I see you guys here." said Admiral who just coming through that door be following by commander

"So are you guys ready?" asked Admiral again and getting a nodded from a 4 human, 1 alien humonoid, 1 half-human half-alien and two power spheras


Kokotaim gang + Ochobot: AUTHOR PLEASE STOP DOING THIS!!!!!

Me: Yea.....Nope *take water and slurp it*

Clockbot :*sweatdropped* haih, why i'm here again?

Reverse: it is always happen?



"Good, both of you be ready" said Admiral and like always they will go to their place for discuss a plan

"Okey, it's battle between an elementals" said Yaya

"What you think Reverse will choice?" asked Ying to Fang

" Don't know, he only show us 3 elements" said Fang

Dey, Boboiboy why you quite?" asked Gopal to his best friend, the other just realize it

"Nothing, it just a plan Admiral told me" said Boboiboy and other raised their eyebrow

"But why you so quite?" asked fang curious

Then Boboiboy tell his friends what it's Admiral plan, and the others so shocked

"Haiya, it's too much for him!?" asked Ying, worried. Well, she and her others friends know how strong Boboiboy is but he choice to low profile his strength and not selfish to his others even villain

But what they know they can't disobey the orders they just got and they must do it without excuse

"But, you can control you elemental now?" asked Yaya, she and other can't help but ask elemental wielder

Which they get a nodded as an answer

With Reverse

'So, i will fight Boboiboy. Can I do it? What am I joking about..............IT WILL HARD FOR ME!! HE WILL USE THAT MOVE IN THIS BATTLE!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!!? I DON'T THINK I CAN WIN!!!'

Well, Reverse kind of have anxiety because Boboiboy will be his next opponent and the last one

But how he know Boboiboy will use his ultimate move? *Cough* Ochobot

'Mmm, guys think I, we should show them what we have?' thought Reverse to his elemental

"Alright, Reverse but in the right time" said Mind and Reverse still not understand what his magical element talking about

'Want you mean?' he can't help but ask him

" I mean like this,..."


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